And then give the US a reason to retaliate against Canada…
And then give the US a reason to retaliate against Canada…
“Oh no, how do we make sure Diet Hitler stays a Canadian citizen?”
Wtf is your thought process, my dude?
God please if there’s one pissing match the Orange Terror gets into it better be nuclear energy.
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but I like using proxmox
Personally, I’ve found the most supported software from Linux mint
Yeah, I didn’t know that chocolate and shrimp weren’t supposed to burn when I ate them until I was about 21 when it finally clicked. Both of which were foods I enjoyed. 🤷
Genuinely confused. It has a fresh scent/flavor. Would I be upset if soap smelled like it? No?? I mean I think some soaps smell like cilantro, but it’s not like taking a bite out of an Irish spring bar… Can’t tell if I have the soap gene or not, like what kind of soap is it supposed to taste like?
You’d be surprised. I’ve seen people who are legally blind enjoy digital art by pressing their screens all the way up against their faces. Or some people can’t concentrate on text due to rapid uncontrollable eye movement, but it doesn’t stop them from enjoying artwork. ❤️
Or maybe don’t ruin millions of people’s lives? From what I understand Canada does have this sort of legal process for exiling people