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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2024


  • which is what most people are trying to do

    I dont agree that this is happening. Climate pledges are being abandoned. The imagination of International solutions are being abandonded for self serving ones. Even recycling in my area has been throttled way back. Internal combustion engine cars are surging back into popularity. One of the biggest possible polluting events are wars, and theres possibly a whole bunch on the horizon as Pax Americanan ends with the disolution of our soft power. We are not motivated to make progress and our political system and international reach seems to be in decline.

    If you look at the trajectories we are on in multiple areas, you can see inevitabilities. I dont fault you for having hope that the whole of human society will pull it out of the fire at the last second, but I no longer beleive its in our nature to act on these threats. Americans arent even convinced climate change is real.

    I still do beleive in the good will of the American people, and their ability to rebuild quickly and better. When forced to come together on a pursuit, American free thinking outpaces other international mindsets pretty reliably. Or it used to.

  • Anyone suggesting that societal collapse is a good outcome doesn’t really understand what societal collapse entails.

    Anyone who says preserving the status quo is a viable outcome doesnt really understand how high the cost of that status quo is.

    Participating in an Ethnic cleansing of a group that is 26% of the humans on the planet will end in tears for us, and pull this country inexorably rightward as we respond to its effects. Even now just a few Yemeni missiles on cargo ships in the Suez has upended Americans faith in the dems by raising prices. Thats with true pushback having not even begun yet. DNC leadership and dem voters are not taking the long view on this. Why dont you think long term and tell me what you see 8 years into the future.

  • The zionist ideology has no relation to ancient Judaism.

    I dont agree. Contrast the zionists with the zealots faction toward the end of the second temple period. The zealots and the zionists are essentially the same group. The zealots genocided the whole region in their time: Roman, Greek, Arabs alike. More than a million murdered to build a “new Israel”. The Romans marched in and counter-genocided their asses.

    Jewish-Roman wars [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish–Roman_wars] Kitos War [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitos_War]

    Ever hear zionists bellyache about how unfair it is that they have been kicked out of countries? After the zionist rebels genocided 240,000 greeks in Cyrpus-- Rome took Cyprus back and jews were unwelcome on the island, even if they came by shipwreck, on pain of death. I think thats an understandable outcome considering how few people bring up WHY that outcome occurred.

    This is exactly what people mean when they say its perilous to forget our history. This is a repeat of the jewish-roman wars, again with the genocide and land theft.

  • Well take a minute to read about the jewish roman wars on wikipedia and get back to me. The history of the zealots faction is one of terrorism and genocide and thats just a fact.
    We cant just pretend history doesnt exist.
    Nor can we pretend the killing of innocents in the middle east right now is ethical or justified.
    Nor can we pretend that pushing back on the extremist wing of far right Judaism equates to antisemitism against all jews.

    If you want to play at verbal gymnastics and call that anti semitism go ahead, I couldnt care less-- it just makes me take you all the less seriously when you try to pervert language like that. That word has been flung around as a shield for all kinds of criminal immoral nonsense and its lost the meaning it used to have. Its just a lazy crybully propoganda defense these days.

  • As though we just do societal collapse on Wednesday and then start living our best lives on Thursday?

    Commenter never said that. So you’re just strawmannning. Do you honestly think capiatlism and consumerism will do an about face and start taking care of the rapidly degrading environment? If not, it would seem that we then we need to change how we behave, soon-- right? Accelerationists are at least doing something, even if it may not be the right plan, while you are whining to keep the exact status quo going thats killing us all, and doing nothing to improve things .

    To use a metaphor: dont criticise the fat guy working out at the gym while you youself are sitting on your butt, are also fat and have ice cream on your face. If you want to criticise, get off your ass and get to work on something better. Otherwise shut it and let the adults figure out how to save your ass while you do nothing.