6 months agoyessss
Have A Nice Life - Deathconsciousness
earliest memory is of the Nintendo 64, but it’s a blur to me whether i played Crash Bandicoot, Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, or Mario Kart 64 first. Probably Mario Kart because we had the steering wheel attachment and that’s irresistible to kids.
y = mx + b
LibreOffice for replacing Microsoft Office
i prefer to buy in-store when i can because i like to be able to feel the textures of the product and to see the size of the thing in real life, which is hard to do from just an image. yeah sonetimes they put a ruler next to the photo but it’s not the same as being able to turn the object around in your hands, smell it, stretch it, test it, etc.
YouTube shuffle, Bandcamp feed, internet radio stations
i don’t wanna be married, they better not assign me shit