And half a dozen months ago they could have had a ceasefire to have them released, along with the ones that STILL aren’t released.
And half a dozen months ago they could have had a ceasefire to have them released, along with the ones that STILL aren’t released.
UN veto power goes a long way.
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Fun fact, it was quite common for people to live into their 80s in the past. The shorter life expectancy myth (1) comes with averaging age of death infant mortality, which was far higher and (2) the drop in life expectancy during industrialization.
A few thousand years ago we had a similar life expectancy and worked far less. There are other tradeoffs of course.
You can be organized without a state. Typically nicer, in fact.
The best recruitment tool for Hamas is Israeli violence. Israel kills many civilians but a manageable number of Hamas. There are many Palestinians in prison camps with no trials, Hamas negotiates for their own.
Their calculus is one of triage, they want an effective fighting force to liberate Palestine and not become another West Bank (effectively dissolved with Palestinians treated like cattle). So the need for their organization takes priority over the general population.
They’re right wing, imagine how MAGA types would respond to the US being occupied and genocided by China.
Also KDE here, but largely without modifications from defaults. I turn off a few things, but more or less it’s exactly what i expect from a DE without taking up too many resources. I really buy in to the K-suite apps for almost everything too, so it all works together nicely.
Is it war when one group is wholly reliant on another for access to food, water, communication, electricity and other forms of aid?
It’s ridiculous to call this a war when there’s such a dependency. Israel wants Palestinians in gaza over the southern border or dead, an ethnic cleansing and genocide.
Not to mention the West Bank, which is not controlled by Hamas, being a center of settler violence and concentration camps for Palestinians.
Some war.
Ages ago someone wrote a bash script that would calculate your “stallman score”, essentially checking the license of every package in your system.