Trump’s base is a lost cause, but the pain may get the soft Dem voters to get off their arses and turn out for the next election.
Nothing will shift Maga, so appealing to them is wasted.
Trump’s base is a lost cause, but the pain may get the soft Dem voters to get off their arses and turn out for the next election.
Nothing will shift Maga, so appealing to them is wasted.
Well, the Roman Empire took about 450 years before to started to go tits up.
All great empires go through to decline, the fascinating thing about the US is that it happened so quickly.
The traditional deal is you only get to threaten folk who haven’t access to nukes. If they have, your threat can be ignored. That’s why North Korea is a thing and Saddam Hussein isn’t.
Well, to be fair, they didn’t give nothing. The nuke countries just took it.
This. I hate the stuff. Can’t sleep and get a killer case of restless legs.
I am prone to respiratory complaints, it’s my weakness. However, I’d rather have that misery than pseudoephedrine.
Yes, the lesson is personal security -not trying to be a cunt to the health consumer.
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Oh no’s. A stranger on the internet doesn’t respect another stranger. How will I be able to cope?
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How American of you to assume that I am unqualified to have an opinion about the US supporting a genocide in the Middle East. Should the rest of the world just look the other way?
Nobody is arguing that Trump isn’t a disaster. However, your country elected the bastard, so it’s fundamentally your fucking problem. A problem you guys are also inflicting on the rest of us.
Having said that, I agree with many of the points you are making.
I’m not American, so our perspectives will always be different. From where the rest of the world is sitting, Americans have never given a tin shit about natural justice or respect for another country’s autonomy. You guys have been in the coup business for over a hundred years. How many governments have been overthrown because they weren’t compliant enough, not friendly enough to your corporate interests or simply standing in the way of your geopolitical ambitions? Pacific islands blown apart or outright stolen, dark money handed to murderous dictators, killer regimes installed and resources sucked away. Spare me the rationalism about one particular brand of domestic American politics being slightly less worse than the other. If your country is balls deep in the misery of what’s going on in Palestine already, there won’t be too many left to murder when Trump takes office in January.
Coke or Pepsi, feller.
Yeah, yeah, but fundamentally, what’s going to be worse under Trump on that score. With Israel, Dems and GOP are Coke-Pepsi all the way down. Are Democrat bombs kinder than Trump bombs?
There is an old saying that a terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but not an airforce to drop it.
Sorry Feller, you lost me. Enjoy your vote.
Jesus, man, where have you been hiding the last nine years?
You might as well vote for Trump and do it clean, because that’s all you are helping.
Look, I’m on your side. I’ve been against US shitty dealings forever. Iraq, Palestine, favoured treatment towards Israel, meddling in elections, overturned democratic governments, proxy wars… All of it. But Trump is an existential threat. If the house is burning down you don’t worry about weeds in the fricken garden. If Trump gets in again Palestine is going to turn into a Walmart carpark. It will probably become Israeli territory, officially, and Arab blood will flow accordingly.
It’s a shitty choice, but the real world is not like the movies. Voting for a third candidate and making Trump president won’t help anyone.
Well, I think those is your options? Or not vote at all.
You are free to vote for Trump then. I’m told many are.
Didn’t one of the space shuttles almost holed by a fleck of paint?