“Favor for a favor — that’s how we do business. . .” Zelenskyy knows how to handle this.
“Favor for a favor — that’s how we do business. . .” Zelenskyy knows how to handle this.
Saw something like that along with less length for signals to pass along neural pathways being a factor.
True. They’ve come a long way.
Same for me.
Going to dump it when the wife’s done with school. I was only keeping it for that and one game. So sick of subscriptions and the product isn’t even good except for Excel.
Watched some documentary ages ago and pigeons’ reaction times are so fast it’s almost like we move in slow motion to them. 250ms is the average for humans without training and pigeons trained to peck when a certain stimuli was presented showed theirs is roughly 80ms. Smaller birds are even faster. Pretty neat.
deleted by creator
There was one with a deformed tail at work. Poor guy could barely swim. Other fish picked on him. I’d make sure to drop food so he wouldn’t have to swim as far. He outlived all the other fish.
I was on-call and half awake when I got paged about a cache server’s memcached being down for the third time that night. They’d all start to go down like dominoes if you weren’t fast enough at restarting the service, which could overwhelm the database and messaging tiers (baaaaad news to say the least). Two more had their daemon shit the bed while I was examining it. Often it was best to just kick it on all of them to rebalance things. It was… not a great design.
So I wrote a quick loop to ssh in and restart the service on each box in the tier to refresh them all just in case and hopefully stop the incessant pages. Well. In my bleary eyed state I set reboot in the variable instead of restart. Took out the whole cache tier (50+) and the web site. First and only time I did that but that definitely woke me up. Oddly enough the site ran better after that for months as my reboots uncovered an undiscovered problem.