Years, not days yeah?
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Years, not days yeah?
It really is. I always make a note to point out how much code is removed in PRs I review
Asahi Linux
These guys are literally the bottom of the totem poll (none of them are managers etc), there’s a reason theres a players union
They’re rich, but they ain’t likely upper class
Can we not shift this from the very important issue of how stupid this streaming situation is into the much less important, albeit still valid, “one rich athlete spends slightly less than his fair share in this one instance”—no one is defending this guy because he’s rich, only because it’s the irony of the situation
The more people who pirate, the better. It doesn’t matter who as long as everyone is getting away with it equally
Unless you consider probabilities. That’s a very strange field—you can’t objectively verify it.
Who are they stealing my personal data from, corporation?? Are they stealing it from me or from you??
The only other legal option is to cede console porting to someone else. This is the best option, legally.
It saves ewaste. In 6 years, will macOS still be supported on these machines? Maybe. Will an open source distro be supported? If it’s still thriving, yeah.
cc-by-sa is copyleft
Trolling is a art form
Heartily agreed penisduck
They are still updating the 3.x branch
AGPL? Google has a ban on all AGPL software. Sounds like if you write AGPL software, corporations won’t steal it.
Code licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) MUST NOT be used at Google.
The license places restrictions on software used over a network which are extremely difficult for Google to comply with. Using AGPL software requires that anything it links to must also be licensed under the AGPL. Even if you think you aren’t linking to anything important, it still presents a huge risk to Google because of how integrated much of our code is. The risks heavily outweigh the benefits.
Any FLOSS license that makes a corporation shit its pants like this is good enough to start from IMO.
If it’s only internal then technically the internal users should have access to the source code. Only the people who receive the software get the rights and freedoms of the GPL, no one else.
People don’t understand: we already outlawed “theft” and “stealing”—we wouldn’t need COPYright laws if they prevented theft or stealing 😂 they only prevent copying, aka not theft or stealing.
But people keep strawmanning “stealing is bad mmkay???”
Thom has a point about Trump and not playing in America. Personally I’d rather see more people boycott America.
GitLab isn’t open source, and certainly isn’t an open project first — they have a sales team, a marketing team, and a budget who does not account for getting new dev users
Bobs family is not fed well on $1500/yr
<$200/mo groceries for a family of 4?