Russia, China, and Iran. Just doing their normal shitty stuff.
Russia, China, and Iran. Just doing their normal shitty stuff.
I’m going to go with you being crazy. Although based on your mention of “deja vu” and the number “4”, I did see djview4. I don’t think that’s what you wanted though.
The history of that Island, the stark differences between Haiti and the DR, is just painful.
I always hear people bitching about the “no choice” of voting, but they never seem to be around during the primaries, when they could make a difference.
I hate a lot of things for stupid reasons
I had to check to see if I was about to reply to myself.
I can’t remember the last time I bought a PC. I just incrementally upgrade over the years. I would be disappointed if they came out with a PC that only ran with their flavor though.
Mutually assured destruction was supposed to be a deterrent to anyone using nukes. Not to enable an aggressor force to do what they want without repercussions out of fear that they would use nukes. If they use nukes, at a minimum they’ll no longer exist. Probably along with the rest of us.
Turkey should just drop out of NATO if they want to support Russia. Or be kicked out.
It just uses nitrogen. You can order a bottle of nitrogen from Amazon. That, a plastic bag, and some tape, you’re good to go. When I learned that, I felt way more secure about my choice to kill myself, hopefully years and years from now. As long as something doesn’t happen sooner to take the choice out of my hands.
When I looked it up here, it looks like it already only takes about 8 hours, granted with a transfer. And surprisingly inexpensive.
That was my thought as well. I’m also thinking it might be a challenge to get something to read them in 100 years.
I just use Telegram with friends and family as an alternative to sms. I’ll have to ask if any of them are selling drugs, because it would be handy to have a connection.
I’ve thought that since Russia first invaded. Really feels like the US is just trying to bleed Russia for as long as possible.
I think it was Neal Stephenson’s book The Diamond Age that had clouds of nanomachines constantly at war with each other creating a fog of dead and dying machines that people would just walk through pretty much ignoring it. I read that a long freaking time ago, so I’m sure that memory is, to some degree, degraded.
Because the drones are made in China and China wants Russia to genocide so that they can get away with their genocides. It would be nice if we started manufacturing again, but we seem to have trouble getting anything done.
who’s in the right
Nobody. That’s easy.
The outraged tones of the Russian dorks’ statements are so funny to me.
They own the judicial though.