I love how the drone is 60% warhead, 30% battery, and 10% drone
I love how the drone is 60% warhead, 30% battery, and 10% drone
Basically all of hydrogen production is sourced from fossil fuels.
We all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo.
Yes, but 50 rounds are more likely to be hit than just 1. And if you put them in a spot that’s going to be shot at a lot, say the turret, you’re less likely to walk away from a penetrating hit.
FN P90’s magazine turns the bullets 90 degrees by turning them with its feed geometry. It kinda looks like a slide for bullets if you squint hard enough. HK G11 uses about as many parts as in an average Swiss watch to do the same thing.
That would earn them a percent of a percent of what they would through donations or running ads on their site. And they would be able to do it only once.
I’ve a mild loss of vision, what are those lines in the last text bubble?