god people still defending dnc are as dumb as maga mob
or you are just like ken martin our new dnc chair who wants us to suck upto billionaire parasites for leftovers
god people still defending dnc are as dumb as maga mob
or you are just like ken martin our new dnc chair who wants us to suck upto billionaire parasites for leftovers
cry all you want but its not going to change that millions of past dnc voters want to see likes of pelosi and schumer hanged in the streets than blackmailed into voting for them again. just so they can continue to make millions selling the country to same oligarchs while we keep eating shit with a different packaging.
comment section full of spineless beggars who wants everyone to live on fake crumbs thrown by dnc hacks. what’s biden, harris and pelosi doing these days ? they seems to have made fortunes pretending to represent us and now enjoying themselves leaving us and palestinians to get fcked same as under biden. are we all forgetting biden hugging the scum netanyahu and him getting a standing ovation for murdering millions with our money.
aipac owned kamala would be no different other than wording it with lots of word salad of “allies”and right to defend (genocide).
reality is our country has became a rotten oligarchy owning both parties and they see normal voters as no different than how israelis see palestians. they will happily butcher us and our kids for an extra yatch
Even if he was objectively decent president.
umm… what ? how does burning kids alive makes him a decent president ? “lesser evil” yeah sure, but decent ?
i am even ignoring the pathetic state of working class rn and his incompetence in dealing with fascists.
harris had never gotten even thousand votes in the primaries where 10 million people vote. she only got to become vp by sucking up to superpacs who didn’t want a progressive like warren as vp
and since 2016 dnc uses primaries more for just pissing on its members.
the problem is not the voters but dnc which today is run by lobbyists.
spineless shortsighted blue maga is the reason we are in this position and is going to get worse.
or maybe you are part of dnc whose gravy train got affected.
she is pos who has always sucked up to the highest bider. she was anti-poor and pro-prison labor as a prosecutor. she got chosen as vp over warren because of superpacs where she was one of the most unpopular candidates while warren was 3rd in primary despite running beside sanders. she supported mass murdering of woman & kid, who are already living in hell with barely any food or medicine for over a year. she also basically said she cares more about grocery prices as there are more votes in it. she had taken largest donations from aipac ever in our election history while banning muslim democrats from speaking at her rallies. trump killed many during covid out of stupidity while she and biden burned poor kids alive for campaign donations.
and i don’t need a character endorsement from a bigot mocking genocide, you are no less rotten than maga racists. probably more as they haven’t supported killing helpless children for money.
as a techie i can confirm a lot of liberals are also bigots who look down on anyone not having fancy college degrees and live in rural areas. for them gaza is an irritation which costed their favourite team the nba finals.
loosing the election is on them and blue maga who support them blindly on everything, as a lifelong democrat i want them arrested and executed for warcrimes & murder along with entire aipac.
good god, one would think this is something trump would do. at this point the choice is between an orange turd and an aipac approved vomit. and still there people questioning why we don’t want to eat either.
“You are responsible because you can’t swallow your pride. How incredibly selfish of you.”
you guys need to be a bit subtle in the gaslighting effort. where was all this anger for her supporting innocent kids being burned alive. go shout at her rallies to stop being a genocidal two faced hack. else you all are trolls trivialising an ongoing genocide and enabling future ones.
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saying we should vote dnc even when they are trash enough is defending them. trump became president first time because of them not despite of them. he also became president second time because of dnc fossils and stupid biden doing nothing to control inflation or israel. he gave doj to republicans so that trump will be free to run against them in elections. these scammers are happy today because they have succeeded in lowering the bar further for how trash they can be next time.
the best thing trump can do to prevent someone like him becoming president again is to hang entire dnc leadership and its smug consultants who pocket millions every election from our donations to only loose to a orange buffoon. once trash is wiped away leaders like aoc and warren will be actually able to build a real opposition.