That’s wild. Clearly AI.
So the value is getting a reputation on Lemmy to then influence or peddle shit?
Or is it a testing ground?
No human writes like that.
That’s wild. Clearly AI.
So the value is getting a reputation on Lemmy to then influence or peddle shit?
Or is it a testing ground?
No human writes like that.
Right, but Biden failed in his communications with people.
He said it wasn’t that bad. That wasn’t reassuring.
Even if soil problems and climate change are leading to crop reductions, and if that’s the real issue, along with increasing the money supply, telling Americans “eh, it’s not that bad everything looks fine based on the CPI” was an epic fail for a President.
His strategy may have been the best option, although that’s doubtful, as I can think of various policies that would have reassured people without altering the money supply and am familiar with classical economic theories, but he failed to make people feel like he saw their pain. It was terrible politics from Biden, who is usually great at this stuff, and he failed at this because he was never in charge before and could rely on his extreme likability while in lower offices. I’m not denying Biden’s intellect, he was tremendously smart and presumably still is, but he screwed up his messaging with the public.
Are you saying voters shouldn’t be shocked? I think many Christians are indifferent at best and complicit at worst. If some Muslims hadn’t sat out the election or voted Stein, would it have made a difference? It seemed like Trump was voted in by a landslide because average middle class people hate inflation and Biden was quasi-gaslighting people with CPI inflation statistics that include decreased smart TV prices and RAM costs as well as increased rent and food at similar weights that doesn’t reflect what hurts consumers most while failing to reassure the public that yes, it was a problem, and that he was trying to do something. For about 2 years there was a major problem with nothing done by Biden. He was going to get voted out and Kamela Harris, who was in power and could have galvanized some sort of policy instead of doing nothing for 2 years was going to get voted out. They failed the public in a very important way and pretended the inflation problem wasn’t bad. It upset people, even Democrats and liberals, and lost them almost all of the moderate vote.
Even if this is technically true, if there is a certain amount of aid and a certain percent goes to US deals that are exported, and then the aid gets bigger with the expectation of larger more expensive export deals, I’m just not sure if this is meaningfully true rather than technically true. I am not downvoting you, BTW, I appreciate the correction, but just belive you are are confusing a semantic difference with actual ignorance.
I think the poster’s post was not about this specific instance, but about the bigger picture. If someone gives you 20 dollars in food aid and then you buy 20 dollars in oranges from them, is it a sale or is it really more of a gift just masquerading as a sale? I think that was the poster’s point, not whether the particular article refers to something actually gifted versus paid for.
I get your sarcasm, but what should I be doing as a poor US citizen?
-Writing letters? (Unlikely to persuade people because opinions are divided on humanitarian versus hard-core Christian theologian views. I would need to remotely deprogram elected officials for this to work.)
-Holding signs to protest? (Unlikely to persuade for the same reasons.)
-Sending lengthy theological arguments to right-wing types? (I could try it. It would be strange coming from an atheist but I could try? It would be more effective than trying to deprogram them.)
-Donations? (I looked at some organizations helping Gaza and many of their leaders make substantially more than me per year and I’m dealing with financial hardship. It’s hard for me to donate to an organization with leaders who have high salaries while I struggle with bills, but maybe that’s a bad excuse. Maybe some leaders with high salaries donate to their own organization, but if so it wasn’t listed.)
-Direct donations? (I should probably do this, and I’m not sure how to do this.)
Please, tell me the appropriate response for a poor person, even if it’s anything other than nothing. I just feel like nothing I do will be effective.
I’m sorry people of Gaza, this is really evil and as a US person who has paid taxes, I’m a part of it. I wish I could stop it but am poor, I’m not sure protesting would work. I feel helpless and also responsible. This is no different than when everyone looked the other way and refused to take Jewish people during WWII. I am sorry for not realizing what this was sooner and disbelieving the severity and evilness of it at first. :-( There’s really no way for me to opt out of this unless I leave the US, become like Henry David Thoreau and just don’t participate in society, which may mean death for me, or actually just choose to die so I no longer have to be part of a disgusting and evil society. The regular people of Gaza aren’t part of this war and war crimes are being committed. It probably means nothing but I’m so so sorry.
This isn’t about them being kicked out, this is about the fact we don’t know the process that resulted in this. Was this a decision Linus made after a night coding and thinking about the world? Was the foundation ordered to do it?
It lacks transparency into the process even if the outcome is fine and the way it was done doesn’t feel transparent, even if it makes sense not to include Russian coders in the project.
These projects are so big and complex that even with open-code a malicious actor is sometimes able to insert damaging code. Who suddenly made this decision? Did the US government order them to do this? If the US government can order them to do this, can they order the elevated coding status of a “benevolent” contributor on the US government payroll who is then ordered to put in a very hard to detect exploit? Open code doesn’t mean exploit free, it means exploits are more likely to be patched.
You don’t get it. It’s the lack of transparency about kicking these people out, not the kicking these people out, that is the problem. Who made the decision?
It makes sense to sanction Russia for being an ass but the way this was done doesn’t feel open, and many people sense it.
It would be much better if the company were not in a place in which gag orders can be issued, leaving questions as to transparency.
As it stands now, it isn’t clear if Linus is just “grouchy” about this with a unique personality or if the foundation got a NSL and can’t say anything. And that leads to questions about whether there were other NSLs other than this one and if it’s had an impact on the code.
Exploits are so hard to detect sometimes if done well and often although they get patched… eventually… the damage is done prior to the patch. The US government, despite doing lots of good things, engages in torture. And even if the US government is the “good guy,” this leads to less trust in the open-source ecosystem, no matter what the justification.
But seriously, Linus’s comment regarding this was… just… I have no words… he basically put every Russian in the same basket, called them trolls
There are a huge number of online Russian trolls. That part of his response was not hyperbolic. They do have troll factories there to influence public opinion.
The problem is this still leads to questions about transparency about the project in general and how this decision was made and whether it was made by those involved in the project or was an order from the US government.
Yes, this is exactly my same thoughts.
This is terrifying.
I don’t like what the Russian government is doing and Putin is cruel and evil, albeit intelligent (which makes him even more terrible).
That being said, in the US, government agencies can order a company to do certain things, put in certain code, or whatever and then issue a gag order as part of that preventing disclosure. And although there’s a limit to how much that can screw over open-source software users, we do not know what exploits nation-states have, we don’t know what backdoors are in different chipsets or closed-source firmware.
If a developer writing open source code can be blacklisted so easily without transparency into the process, it suggests the company is being ordered to do certain things and not disclose them by the US government, which is a government that still engages in torture.
Notice how they are not coming out and saying “We were not ordered to do this by any government agency.”
Could the foundation be forced to elevate a developer with government ties who then is able to “accidentally” put in an extremely hard to detect exploit into linux that won’t be detected at first and only patched later?
I really wish companies associated with linux were not in a country that lacked transparency with government regulations and in which gag orders were not possible.
Removed by mod
Oh my gosh I need this now.
Fedora? 🤢 jk
Also what the fuck is a tiling window manager? I want it!
I’m sorry, can you clarify what you wrote? I read it but then got distracted by my cursor moving on its own while I was reading an article about xzutils. Perhaps I should read it again since it made no sense the first time.
I’m so happy.
But also liked when linux felt like a secret.
Microsoft finally did something right: they made their shitty product shitty enough for people to realize it.
so, i do think christians hate gay people, i guess i just don’t see them doing the whole throwing gays off the rooftops. even if it’s just the “availability heuristic” affecting my views and not based on the number of gays thrown off roofs, i just have only seen Muslims do that
I believe a lot of what you are saying at this point, that it probably technically is genocide
even if i believe you, i lack political power to do anything
i am barely getting by in this world at times
i don’t know if i think land should be owned by certain governments or people, i really think people should be able to go anywhere and live there if they want to. the problem is people have different cultural views and these views aren’t compatible. like conservative iraqi people probably wouldn’t want a large number of liberal gays moving there and demanding change just like liberal cities in the US wouldn’t want a bunch of conservative muslims moving to the area and demanding change. muslim countries sometimes treat women terribly. the countries in which women can’t learn math are mostly muslim. right now there are females who are intelligent enough to be computer scientists or mathematicians who are wearing burkas they can’t remove in public and who aren’t allowed to read math books and are literally slaves due to an absence of rights. i can’t imagine the horror of being an intelligent woman in that situation. people of different cultures sometimes have different birth rates too so in democratic societies if people with conservative or misogynistic values and higher birth rates move to the area, there’s a risk that eventually women won’t be able to learn math and gays won’t be able to marry or even live without fear of state execution for their orientation if the population changes and it results in cultural shifts.
in many ways, this is completely irrelevant because even if i am scared of conservative muslim culture, it doesn’t make genocide okay. i am not sure if Palestinians are even that conservative, they probably aren’t. i just don’t know if believe that muslim culture will gradually become more tolerant. i tend to believe that once muslims become a majority, they tend to become more openly conservative and there’s a higher risk of them demanding sharia law and successfully getting it passed. if sharia law passes, i die, that’s what it means for me, so i am fearful of muslim cultural spreading as a result. i also don’t see that many liberal muslims being tolerant of gays. instead, i recall that when canada had a lot of muslim refugees, many muslims were are a large part of a conservative coalition that did not want certain LGBT rights.
i really believe in freedom of religion, and i am anti-genocide, but what is the resolution? when cultures are so different, you have to have different political systems in different areas.
certain land being randomly apportioned to certain cultural and religious beliefs seems so arbitrary to me already
i am not sure audiobooks would help. i find history sort of boring. i believe you that brutality is taking place and it’s wrong.
much in the same way i can do nothing with the ukraine and russia situation, i don’t think there’s anything i can do in this situation either
even if you are right and the two state solution should happen, why hasn’t it happened already? if it hasn’t happened, it must be difficult politically.
I am very ignorant in many ways. The most I know about Palestinian culture is from Bella Hadid. She takes beautiful photos and I think she seems really cool. She’s part Palestinian and seems really nice from the little I know of her. The only other thing I know about Palestinians is they had really hard lives even prior to this and had really restricted movements and limited options. I heard someone say it was like an open air prison. I think that sometimes people in power create cruel situations and then when people rebel after being treated horribly, they use acts of rebellion as evidence that harsher treatment is necessary, and it’s not taking into account a broader view of problems and using power to ignore the entirety of a situation. I don’t think that the attacks that happened on October 7th happened in a vacuum, but I still don’t know how bad the situation in Palestine was before things got worse.
You have a stem background right?
I have a random idea. It is probably a stupid idea. What about having some sort of sign up to get small groups of Palestinians and Israeli people and other International Citizens all sharing perspectives in small groups? Like meetings for cultural understanding?
Perhaps if there were little groups of 4 to 8 people discussing their views and experiences, including experiences of loss and tragedy, without political views of what should happened, but just like to create dialogue about what experiences are like, perhaps there would be more understanding of the frustrations both sides feel. Every group would have to have at least 1 palestinian and 1 jewish person and it would be just be sharing different emotional experiences. I doubt people would be interested. If you have a stem background in computers you could possibly set up some sort of website to do that? I am not a great programmer. Or perhaps another programmer would help? I like the idea but wouldn’t know where to begin. It may be a stupid idea, I don’t know. It would probably difficult due to languages barriers, but perhaps AI could somehow translate everything in real time so people could understand each other. Perhaps if more people talked to each other, there would be more willingness to have options that both groups would like.
You just seem so smart and seem to care about this a lot. I hope you end up finding a way to have even more of an impact. I can sense your intelligence. You’re very smart. What sort of STEM did you study?
I don’t think my islamophobia means that what is happening to civilians is somehow okay. i’m just mentioning my fears as someone within the LGBT community and how it makes me fearful. i am biased in my perspective and i think it’s better for me to acknowledge my bias than pretend it’s not there. i am also scared of christianity too.
Perhaps if small groups of people could somehow talk and have conversations, then people would have a better understanding.
Why is the 2 state solution rejected or hasn’t happened so far?
Did you lose anyone in this conflict?
No… This makes you seem real but based on that post I will always know you are AI.