I think this headline makes it sound overly simple. Just shutter those 36 companies and we save the world, right? Well, the fossil fuels they vend go on to become the fuel and household products made and sold by thousands of other companies and those are relied upon by all of us all day every day. There’s no single-point fix here. We can’t depend on these monsters AND point the finger at them. A great deal needs to change before we can live without them.
I think your actions are meaningful and I’ll explain why. It’s not like these 36 companies are just over there producing all this pollution while we sit here helplessly weeping. The fossil fuels they produce and sell go on to become the household products and fuel used and depended on by all of us. Thousands of corporations use them, not just 36. Maybe we can break up Aramco and close it down, but we can’t currently do without DuPont and Proctor and Gamble.
So until consumer are independent of the products these fossil fuels make, the companies themselves are a false villain. Therefore, your actions to become independent are EXACTLY what’s needed, and are in fact the ONLY thing that will actually help.
The bullshit comments here about shooting 36 CEOs are not going to change anything. You are.