Is there a client that approximate Reddit’s “subscribe to post” behaviour?
Is there a client that approximate Reddit’s “subscribe to post” behaviour?
Totally fair.
I feel like this is most appropriate with politicians. No politician will be everything you want, but if they have a few policies you’re into, they’re worth your vote.
You have a future in politics!
Nice! What are your projects?
I write software for fun and give it away. I also write software for money and don’t give it away.
so much grey :(
What do you mean “ex-believer”? I still use Linux every day.
How do you keep finding yourself on submarines? I’ve been around for a long time, and I’ve never been on a sub. I’ve never even been close enough to ask one about its ideology. Multiple subs? Damn.
Iron Curtain II: Cobalt Boogaloo
That is pretty funny.
Do you smoke while running?
It seems interesting. It’s weird that individual feeds don’t get their own communities.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to respond. I’m enjoying this because it gives me a chance to understand my own beliefs. And it’s fun to spout off.
Some people believe I shouldn’t speak and should only work all day, while others seem to prefer to chat once in a while. For me, it’s difficult for me to know the most correct way to act in terms of these two philosophies.
There’s no correct answer here. You’ve expressed a preference for chatting, so let’s support that.
We have different [beliefs] and usually that’s perfectly ok and I we don’t really argue or anything. But sometimes I still do it wrong or say something with too much emotion in my voice or something.
Occasional or friendly disagreement is fine, so long as it doesn’t poison the relationship.
Could you pause before replying to sort out your feelings? If you’re concerned that you have too much emotion in your voice, that could give you time to notice your emotional state and dial it down. You could even turn the disagreement into more of a joke or quip rather than something heartfelt.
You can use your pause as part of the conversation. Give a thoughtful “huh” or maybe start with a throw away phrase of “I hadn’t thought about that” and then pause.
Some people are in a hurry to say their piece - they really wanna get their thought or idea in. In my experience, it’s helpful not to do that. It’s difficult though.
That’s a fine cat, my dude. He sounds like a treasure.
Delicious scented shampoo flavour!
I try to pick the most popular one. Posting to all just reinforces the fragmentation and spams anyone reading all our subscribed to all of them.
Lemmy’s overlapping communities are a pain in the butt.
I had considered coworker 3 to be my friend a bit tbh. But that is not supposed to be the case, right? We are not supposed to be friends or anything. I am supposed to find friends elsewhere and not think of them that way, right?
I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or genuine.
If it’s genuine: congrats on finding a new friend. Don’t cut them off because an internet rando said something.
If it’s sarcastic: it’s inappropriate to react to advice that you solicited in that manner. Since I’m being honest, it’s more appropriate to honestly state where you disagree, and why the advice doesn’t work for you. That way I can better understand your situation.
Coworker 2: Yeah, running a 10 minute mile is easy. Anyone can do it. …
If someone is full of shit at work, I’d just nod and smile. Unless there’s something to be gained by calling them out, I’d just note that they are uninformed on that topic and move on.
If people want to discuss serious topics with me then I’m just not supposed to contribute, right??
Again, I’m not sure if this is sarcastic or genuine. The two question marks, and the “right” make me think it’s sarcastic, but I could be wrong.
Either way: talk about what you want. However, if you want to keep things civil with your coworkers, it’s easier if you avoid divisive topics.
Keep conversation away from your beliefs until you know where the other person stands.
Ask questions. People like talking about themselves, so that’s an easy way to keep things moving.
Make noncommittal statements.
Hired as chief survivor. Top notch being alive. Continuing to breathe beyond all expectations.