Use brioche, it holds up better in the custard…
Real maple syrup. Accept no substitutes.
A dash of nutmeg.
Use brioche, it holds up better in the custard…
Real maple syrup. Accept no substitutes.
A dash of nutmeg.
Generally speaking, yes. Verify that your current provider supports it.
Having said that, your provider may offer you a deal. Of course ymmv
It depends… you say several times “I”. So yeah if it is just you, 55 is likely fine.
If you are the only one, watching something, then yeah likely you’ll be fine
Good points from other users.
You’re kinda asking the wrong question.
Where to start writing? Wherever you are when you write.
Where to publish? Seems to be what you’re looking for—
You’re likely an unknown author. So you are going to have to figure it out yourself In terms of marketing
Do you just want your stuff out there? You can put it almost anywhere
Do you want people to find you? Then you’ll need to market yourself (and yes I just threw up a little writing that)
It will be up to you to get people to find and read your stuff , sorry but yeah you mostly have to market yourself
So yeah put your page in there when you post your content here, and blue sky, and everywhere. Make a podcast of you reading your stuff, make it easy to share so new people can discover you.
Self published books and print on demand— worked for Andy Weir (the Martian) and Hugh Howey (Silo) and 50 shades of gray
Good luck
Nice. I wonder if he took the call?
Kde. I’d love to be able to give some erudite examples of why.
Alas, the default is clean and works for me. It stays out of the way.
I use MacOS at home as I have to support the fam.
Work is windows despite my best efforts to move to Linux, any flavor…
My laptop has macOS and Ubuntu and fedora and win11 (I have a vm problem and I enjoy it)
I wish I could use Fedora full time. I’m really open to whatever gets the work done. I just prefer software were open.
You should read “Jennifer Government “
They take their last names from where they work. Hack Nike, Bill NRA etc
Oh hell yeah!
Neat thank you!!
And I learned a new word
Zeitgebers are external cues, such as light, that synchronize the circadian clock in organisms with the Earth’s day-night cycles.
Mammals have to breathe, so they are surfacing from time to time… so roughly they’ll know day from night.
Tides are mostly noticeable near land.
So you have deep sea creatures away from shore. They mostly won’t care about day and night as there’s no difference, with light not penetrating more that about 200 feet.
So below 200 feet, and away from shore you mostly can’t. But also it would not matter as there’s no difference
But if you were a human, in a submarine or a diving vessel where you needed to know, a clock or radio… would be about the options
Save as much money as possible;
Short AA at the end of Aug 2001; you’ll know when to cover.
In Oct 2001 buy AAPL
In 2008 buy bitcoin… keep buying, and WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSWORDS, until it hits $100. Don’t worry about it; just do it.
Ha. Never thought about that. But. Yeah. Yeah it is.
One fine day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight, back to back they faced each other….
I don’t think there’s any way to do a non biased study.
Having said that — there sure are a ton of anecdotal evidence
My FIL was dying in hospice and held on until his wife and daughter told him they were going to be okay.
Keith Olberman tells the story of how he was reading a story to his dad, and he says as soon as he finished the story his dad took one last breath and passed.
I truly hope Mr Carter could remain with us for about another month and a half.
So trickle down economics made things worse…
Quick!!! More of the same thing will fix it , right?
5 days to boot. Damn. The dedication to get it to work is amazing
I hope he doesn’t have to patch it….
No , see when THEY do it, it is terrorism; when WE do it ……….
Clay infused raw egg white mousse, shaved tree bark on a filters mud reduction and a linoleum chew to finish