Als Fürst von und zu Liechtenstein, lege ich mein Veto ein!
Als Fürst von und zu Liechtenstein, lege ich mein Veto ein!
Where is the fucking EU?? Step up Europe the US is not an ally anymore and can’t be trusted under this government.
we use that, but not sure if you can get it in your country: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landjäger
maybe you can also try with salami
Cheese Fondue: Bread, Broccoli, Potato, Pearl Onions, Pineapple and my personal favorite: Dried Sausage
For keeping track of investments I recommend: Portfolio Performance
Takes maybe 10min to learn the basics in the beginning, but it’s worth it. Nice robust open source software which does its job flawless.
If you don’t do it already then start to Meal-Prep and cook more at home instead of going out. Saves you a lot in the long term and it’s usually healthier too.
Hannah Monata Linux and Red Star from North Korea.
I had both for a while. And somehow Monday’s still felt a bit like Monday. So I would go with Friday.
maybe she’s a lua developer
Bark Bark Bark
Hostpoint, one of the largest hosting companies of Switzerland uses Linux Clients.
There is a Tiger Jyhton version for the web https://www.tigerjython.ch/en
But at least just for educational purposes😅
You could install kodi and get an IPTV account and set it up. Some european public broadcasters also have web streams for all the events, if you don’t care to much about the language. But you might need a VPN for that.
but the research began already back in the 60s.
Fully agree. Don’t forget to support our open source heros every know and then (if you can ofc).
haha I really like Linux but that’s funny and somehow also true😂
Ein toller Artikel. Das konnte man aber alles schon vor 10 Jahren kommen sehen. Aber besser spät als nie. Die Abhängigkeiten müssen dringend reduziert werden. Kein Autobauer würde kritische Teile nur von einer Firma beziehen, aber in der IT ist das leider gang und gäbe.