I fell in love with the first gens, but by the time I was able to buy one, it was a '96. 4WD and a standard. Terrible gas mileage, but I loved that baby and she always got me where I was going.
But I agree, the first gens were awesome.
I fell in love with the first gens, but by the time I was able to buy one, it was a '96. 4WD and a standard. Terrible gas mileage, but I loved that baby and she always got me where I was going.
But I agree, the first gens were awesome.
Look what they did to my Pathfinder!
Fuck Nissan.
I’m right there with you and I live here. It boggles my mind that people voted for him and people stayed home.
The leadership on the left is terrible, and there is so much money and propagandizing on the right, it is insane.
They know who and how to target political messaging in a way that that was unheard of 20 years ago.
Even now, there are smart intelligent people that are like, “He seems to be making a difference.” Holy fucking shit!
And then they get mad when I ask them how. They always have bullshit propaganda points that were spoon fed to them and zero, actual understanding of the issues.
He said himself, it’s not a crime if you are saving America!
Why are you here?
If you are just going to post stupid, negative comments that don’t add to the conversation or is at least funny, then you shouldn’t be on Lemmy at all.
Add, don’t subtract. Try to at least pretend you are a grownup.
I hope Trump is told to fuck off and the rest of the world tariff’s us to fucking death.
I had a long rant but it just boils down to Hillary finalized the death of the Democratic Party and there has been zero coherent leadership after her eviceration of it.
Maybe America needs to die so something better can rise from its ashes.
Pretty sure that was the Laslo reference in the OP.
This, so much. If a CEO makes a conscientious decision that makes stockholders less money, he gets fired. Stockholders sue companies over decisions that are considered less profitable.
And I don’t mean people who invest their 401k’s in mutual funds bullshit. I mean the activist multi millionaire assholes that own full percentage points of companies. These people are the ones that lobby companies and politicians and shape the legal and market landscape.
These fucking people have zero accountability to anyone.
And they convince themselves they have every right to be that way.
How did they know what wrapper it was? I doubt it was in any condition to read after it was ingested.
Was a motherfucker eating his lunch on the runway?
It’s middle row left…
My best friend’s dad recently passed. They got his DD214 and were going to memorialize his silver star and purple heart.
Turns out purple heart was real, silver star was not. Dude was telling stories, giving presentations, stealing valor for 40 fucking years.
Not saying this is the case here, but man, you just don’t know with some people.
Maine Coons and NFC’s are the best looking cats.
You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, huh?
It’s a periodic “tink” for me. It’s almost like a sound from a video game.
Taiwan made a sarcastic comment.
Essentially calling out their policy of “Territorial Integrity”, they told them to take back land they gave to Russia
Hot take:
China has lost all faith in Russia. Is reorganizing to reflect that.
And maybe is even considering Taiwan’s advice, lol.
So I guess we are the new axis of evil.
Sorry about this guys. No hard feelings when you split us in to East/West America.
Off to make a fake wall to hide my neighbor’s family from the Gesta… from ICE.