I’m sure some would find it useful as a delivery method for ranch dressing.
I’m sure some would find it useful as a delivery method for ranch dressing.
The stained glass lamp shades. The red booths. Beer for dad.
The first salad bar I ever saw was at a dine-in Pizza Hut.
“Goddamnit, it’s always fucking something…”
I’ll get it on my forehead so I can bang it against the wall.
Nothing can top
“Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog.”
4 more days where I’m from.
I keep bringing you home because you’re cheap but I’m never really satisfied.
I don’t particularly care for raisins but I might have to go get some to satisfy my curiosity.
Those first two are great but that Shoenberg piece… Man, some things are best left on paper.
Oh man, you weren’t kidding. That’s just objectively bad.
Bucatini? Yeah, fuck that shit.
I would almost certainly be into leprechrust and flowerviolence.
I think you found the solution for world peace.
Slide the stick out and it might actually work.
That’s how you end up with laser cats.
Whoa, I just listened to more of their stuff. I love it! Thanks for turning me on to them!
This guy is safe
I think I’m better off just not knowing.
All of that actually sounds really cool to me. Especially the diy chain.
I mean, if you want to do that at the salad bar I’m not gonna stop you but others might not be as forgiving.
Proper decorum would require ladling it into a pitcher for the whole table then drinking it from red plastic cups.