… i did not speak out because premature Nazi comparisons diminish the Nazi crimes and are antisemitic.
We’ll have to wait for at least 5 million gassed before we can think about Nazi comparisons.
/s just in case.
… i did not speak out because premature Nazi comparisons diminish the Nazi crimes and are antisemitic.
We’ll have to wait for at least 5 million gassed before we can think about Nazi comparisons.
/s just in case.
They’ll do when they realize that’s the only way to fit 30,000 immigrants into a torture camp that can hold < 1000 inmates.
By May 2003, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp had grown into a larger and more permanent facility that housed over 680 prisoners, the vast majority without formal charges.
Yesterday, inspired by the news about mass depaorations, i watched a documentary on the Final Solution.
Among a lot of interesting things, one thing stood out to me: The original Nazis were afraid that the german people would not only reject genocide, but also reject the idea of jews (aka. their neighbors) being sent to brutal labor camps.
So they produced propaganda movies depicting the city Theresienstadt as a spa town. And then told the public that the jews would be sent there to be protected from the increasingly antisemitic public.
To lull victims into a false sense of security, the SS advertised Theresienstadt as a “spa town” where Jews could retire, and encouraged them to sign fraudulent home purchase contracts, pay “deposits” for rent and board, and surrender life insurance policies and other assets.
Nowadays, you can just tell the american people:
Hey, we are gonna send your neighbors to a torture camp. Great camp. Lovely camp. Most brutal camp of the world.
And they are like: Yessss, finally a solution to the migrant question.
I can also recommend Life Under Adolf Hitler: The First Years Of Nazi Germany.
Personally, i have never experienced problems while reading from USB sticks, but i have while writing. I have a 15+ years old USB2 stick and a new USB3.x stick. The USB2 stick writes with constant ~20MB/s, while USB3 is all over the place between 200MB/s and ~0.1MB/s. Unusable for me. For a while i used external HDDs and SSDs over USB3, as they somehow run without problems, but they are cumbersome and expensive.
Therefore i have switched to transfer files over the network (for large files i plug in Ethernet) using KDE connect. Unfortunately it can not send folders (yet), so i would .tar them before sending, and untar them after.
LocalSend would also be an option. Maybe that can do folders natively.
I am running BTRFS on multiple PCs and Laptops since about 8-10 years ago, and i had 2 incidents:
I am using BTRFS RAID0 since about 6 years. Even there, i had 0 issues. In all those years BTRFS snapshoting has saved me countless hours when i accidentially misconfigured a program or did a accidential rm -r ~/xyz.
For me the real risk in BTRFS comes from snapper, which takes snapshots even when the disk is almost full. This has resulted in multiple systems not booting because there was no space left. That’s why i prefer Timeshift for anything but my main PC.
Tipps to prevent future accidents:
Mistakes are unpreventable due to our error-prone brains, but it is a choice to repeat them.
If you are having sensitive information stored using closed-source software/OS, you can stop reading right here. This is your biggest vulnerability and the best thing you can do is to switch to FOSS.
For those that have already switched:
It made me think about how to improve the resistance of large FOSS projects against state-sponsored attackers injecting backdoors.
The best thing i came up with would be to have each contribution checked by a contributor of a rival state. So a Russian (or Chinese) contributor verifies a contribution by an American.
The verifying contributors would have to be chosen at random in a way that is not predeterminable by an attacker, otherwise a Chinese-state contributor will contribute harmless code until the next verifier will be a US-based Chinese spy. Then they will submit a backdoor and have it checked by an American citizen paid by China.
Also the random number generator has to be verifiable by outsiders, otherwise a spy in the Linux-Foundation can manipulate the outcome of choosing a favorable verifier for a backdoor.
This can obviously only be done as long as there are lots of contributors from rivaling states. If the US decided that Linux can only allow contributors from USA/EU, then this model can not work and Linux would have to relocate into a more favorable state like Switzerland.
What one should keep in mind that even if the US would ban all foreign contributions and the foundation would not relocate, Linux would still be more secure than any closed source OS, as those foreigners can still look at the code and blow the whistle on bugs/backdoors. It would however be much more insecure than it is now, as the overhead for finding bugs/backdoors would be much larger.
Good question. Where to put them, when the camps are full? How much money is it going to cost to imprison millions for life? Is there a more efficient solution?
Your brain right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA_uJOnAnoQ&t=1456s