I swear they have the most ads of any sites I have seen without an adblocker, though I guess they don’t pay to be advertised themselves
I swear they have the most ads of any sites I have seen without an adblocker, though I guess they don’t pay to be advertised themselves
Download the qbittorrent app image with lt20
Anna’s archive weakest torrents
Probably but it’s fucked anyway and now you can at least replace it with another wine or wait till it’s fixed tomorrow
sudo apt -o Dpkg::Options::=“–force-overwrite” --fix-broken install
What were the interactions with support like each time?
It’s just ideas and reflection, put down your phone and be alone with your thoughts
It’s more of a diary
Most of it seems to be
Eg https://github.com/system76/thelio-io-hardware/tree/a8e166cec9112d38d2bbe31a314689a8d7723ac8
This flatpak debate is a hell of a lot of theatre.
We have a published flatpak app, we could slip anything in, there’s no strong audit process. There is an audit process, but it’s not comprehensive.
The requirements are trivial to meet, and we did practically nothing to meet them. It’s supposed to be easy.
This is one of these scenarios where everyone is technically correct.
Our flatpak downloads and executes binaries, none of this extra security and sandboxing mentioned is relevant or usable.
Sure but there’s no federation unless you use the original domain
Open source hardware
That will break federation
That’s new, it wasn’t doing that before. That’s going to cause a failure to federate
Hexbear.net doesn’t seem to be registered anymore
Hexbear.net doesn’t seem to exist anymore?
The sugar doesn’t gut destroyed or disappear, it just changes form and once you dry it out you’ve got your sugar again. Much like a tardigrade
Private trackers award points for this