the text is from the start of ursula k. le guin’s sci-fi novel “the dispossessed” which mainly describes and anarchist society.
i dont know about the vojak.
the text is from the start of ursula k. le guin’s sci-fi novel “the dispossessed” which mainly describes and anarchist society.
i dont know about the vojak.
not to be confused with “ethical polearmory” which is when u fight people with polearms thst have little soft baggies at the ends, sono one gets hurt :3
they were literally an egg tho
the free meds are just a bonus ;3
i saw this post a few ago, something like
dont ask “is this racist?” ask “how did racism contribute to this?”
i think its fitting
idk which one i am, i just like puter ;w;
i think this much money does not free people. it makes them master over others. and that power will either corrupt one or burden them with the responsibility of doing the right, which let’s be honest, no one manages.
yeah, in my perception, it was always more of a “(following the) rule”. so purely optional. after all, the one rule is not “you must put the word ‘rule’ in the title of every post” >:3
pan gang sponsoring straight people figuring that genitals arent gender
working with a manager is not automatically a hierarchy of power. the keys is non coercion and voluntairy association.
as long as you can chose to switch manager, can choose to work without manager, can access the information your manager has, can resolve conflicts with your manager as equals, and have reasonable control over the distribution of the profits, all without threat to your livelyhood, this is not a hierarchy of power.
you do not have to do everything by yourself. thats what we got each other for. as equals :3
newpipe has had floating videos since forever <3
no hierarchies are needed
zero layers
yoo, thanks and also thanks for the app recommendation. i might start using it and read the mana :3
i dont get it :<
somewone pws explain the joke to me
one way is, that if you do not know the impact of policies, you cant make informed decisions about them and thereby lose control over your life and environment.
aaa im not a man pls dont run around gendering ppl omv ahdnfnkss
i take the compliment but uncomf hilp
thanks for they/theming my pfp
dogs go to dog heaven, duh
of they got souls! /s