Instead he sleeps and eats in the most luxurious fashion for tax payers money and they exchange a couple of laughs.
Instead he sleeps and eats in the most luxurious fashion for tax payers money and they exchange a couple of laughs.
Everything is perfect until russia invades Latvia and France and Germany decide it’s not in their economic interest to deploy the troops.
Has anyone considered not talking about him?
Get a load of this 13 year old.
How much of his moms money did he already spend on counter strike knife skins?
Exactly the thing I wanted to say. If shes so desperate for attention maybe she should jump in front of traffic.
I hope she doesn’t have to cook dinner.
It’s pretty complicated to explain but humans in general are pretty shit at this whole civilization thing. Above all we’re selfish, greedy, and envious. The only systems we’ve ever built were based on exploitation and suffering of the populace so that the „elite” can fuck around in wealth and luxury. When these stop working because the „elite” is more and more idiotic we just go to war because instead of identifying and beheading the problem we let them convince us it’s somehow the other unfortunate to blame.
It’s pretty grim but that’s what we are, rabid fucking animals who can sometimes say something intelligent.
Remember the west giving hitler czechoslovakia before ww2? No? Then go fucking read about it.
Allowing russia to win and then go back to their shithole to breed more cannon fodder is a recipe for another war in a couple of years.
Fuck yeah, nationalist Germany is exactly what I needed for my 2020’s bingo card.
is the german government fighting it in any way or are they going to wait until it’s too late and then cry?
Ah shit, here we go again
„Best I can do is give them Czechoslovakia” ~Europe
„Why don’t you like that thing that I like!?”
This is your brain on religion.
How is indoctrinating children still legal all around the world?
They’re gonna do fuck all about this. Musk knows this and his team is already making hefty „donations”. Democracy is long dead. They’ve been parading a corpse.
It’s almost as if the financial elite doesn’t rally care about freedom and all that democracy bullshit.
Fukkin ban the website.
There’s already laws for it, just ban it.
Everything that happens in south korea immediately makes me think that rich assholes are somehow to blame.
one cylinder 5hp or eight cylinder 300hp? Or maybe an electric?
Oh no, not our out of control population growth fueled by resources running out as I type this comment and causing unspeakable damage to the biosphere of the planet.
Whatever will we do if our numbers fall below 7 billion.