You are the dick, rubbing their cat’s death in their face to get your little moral superiority high. As if you actually care. Disgusting behavior.
You are the dick, rubbing their cat’s death in their face to get your little moral superiority high. As if you actually care. Disgusting behavior.
They JUST lost their cat. Don’t be a dick.
Just a heads up, the author of this article worked with maia crimew on it and then poorly presented the evidence in a right-wing paper with no credit. Here’s maia’s post with more solid evidence:
I think it’s fairly common to not translate the initials for political party names. Most English commentary I’ve seen uses just the initials. That said, it is a little weird they translated the names and used the initials at the same time.
I think you missed the point of the person you responded to. The point wasn’t to not help them, but to provide those basic needs and help them recover before starting to give them money as well. Give them housing, food, clothing, and access to resources to get better. Then, once they are in a better place to take care of themselves, give them the money to support themselves.
What incentive does the coroner have? They get none of the payout. They don’t play a part in setting the value or bidding either.
That’s what drives me nuts about saying we “thrive” in stress. Equating being functional with doing well is so detrimental to our mental health, because we may be hitting deadlines but we are suffering miserably while doing so.
That’s not necessarily true. Myself, and several other people I know, have definitely experienced a boost from stimulants, just not in the same wired way neurotypical people get. Sometimes it feels like a weight off your shoulders that in a way almost feels stimulating. At the very least more talkative.
It’s fair to read into like that when you usually only hear it used in reference to women. It may not be the intent, but it reframes them as something (daughter, mother, whatever) worthy of empathy rather than someone.
That weeklong “truce” really says it all about Israel.
Yeah there would almost certainly be a bunch of comments asking about what show it is and a bunch more espousing how great it is.
They always view those to the left as extremists who can’t be negotiated with, while those to the right are seen as useful idiots who can be exploited for political gain. See the conservative parties in Nazi Germany for how that “useful idiot” thing tends to work out.
Those are a big part of it, it’s also that our brain chemistry interacts with stimulants differently.
One of the major effects of stimulants is the increase in availability of dopamine. The under-stimulated feeling comes from a lack of dopamine due to the reward system not functioning properly in ADHD. When the stimulant forces a release of dopamine it’s not as “stimulating” to an ADHD brain that didn’t have much dopamine to begin with, whereas a neurotypical person experiences a huge abundance of dopamine and feels incredibly stimulated and energized.
That’s fair, I honestly haven’t used it in a while and forgot the real usage of unsafe code. As I said to another comment, it is a really rough language for game dev as it necessitates very different patterns from other languages. Definitely better to learn game dev itself pretty well first in something like C++, then to learn Rust separately before trying game dev in Rust.
Those are fair points. I haven’t used it for a little while and forgot the exact usage of unsafe code. I love Rust, but I totally agree that it’s a rough language for game dev. Especially if you’re trying to migrate an existing project to it since it requires a complete redesign of most systems rather than a straight translation.
The biggest reason is that it’s much harder to write prototype code to test out an idea to see if it’s feasible and feels/looks good enough. I don’t want to be forced to fully plan out my code and deal with borrowing issues before I even have an idea of if this is a good path or not.
There are options for this with Rust. If you wanted to use pure Rust you could always use unsafe to do prototyping and then come back and refactor if you like it. Alternatively you could write bindings for C/C++ and do prototyping that way.
Though, I will say that this process gets easier as you gain more experience with Rust memory management.
Probably one of the many things that will be his downfall if he stays this course. Telling the military to fight people who have been very close allies for so long will not go over well.