Literally everything is a red flag in this post. Stay far away from this person.
I personally think you need to take some time off dating in general (both women and men) to really figure out what you want (not just sexually or romantically, but what you want a relationship to be). Don’t let other people influence that. Dating out of lonliness is a great way to get stuck on the receiving end of an abusive relationship. You need to be comfortable with and love yourself before it is possible to be in a healthy relationship. It is a lot of work to do so, but it is absolutely worth it in the end.
Also unrelated, but make sure you stay far away from drugs. They will make not just this situation, but every situation worse.
The system is the problem here, because it incentivizes these kinds of corporations to do these things.
So by the very nature of capitalism, all corporations.
When you have a boss “ruling over” a worker, that is just barely different than living as a serf. The difference here is you can choose your boss, but inherent in the system is that workers don’t earn the full value of their work (surplus value), otherwise it wouldn’t be worth it for the owner class to hire anyone.
Worker-owned cooperatives are pretty cool, though. Would be nice if all corporations were forced to be worker-owned.