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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Never seen a more useless group of people in a room. This means nothing. It is like children pretending to be shop owners and playing business.

    Just ignore this as it is meant to rile up people, just ignore them. Ukraine and Europe should send a message to russia that they are ready for a surrender and prepared to start talking about reparations from russia. If they do not respond continue bombing them. In fact, with the support of Europe Ukraine should expand the war into russia (beyond what they already have).

    Main thing to take away from this is: ignore the children on a BS mission and setup a fact and reality based alternative where adults can join and discuss what to do with this war from russia and how to handle and close it.
    If you respond to this nonsense meeting and get annoyed or whatever, you just legitimized that group of clowns.

  • and it is a Labour government bought and paid for by business that is trying to avoid re-nationalisation and that allows the water regulation body to be comprised of ex-water executives

    This statement makes it about Labour and how they are bought and staff the board to game the whole show.
    Sure, Labour has it’s issues but how and why on earth did you mention Labour in your post and yet fail to mention the true villains of this story, the Tories?

    This reeks of modern political discourse; blame left/labour/liberal/woke but conveniently forget to mention it is actually the mostly the right who keeps introducing legislation and laws to undermine the average citizen.

    This is an issue created and matured under the rule of conservatives/Tories. Asking if the other side, i.e. Labour, will ‘fix’ the crap created by Tories is difficult to answer, who knows what the conservatives did at the time? They might have had provisions in the deal that make it much harder to re-nationalize then you or I think. My point is, you are asking the builders if they can re-build the house which was demolished, burned to a cinder and then salted the earth by the previous builders. Yeah, there’s always a possibility to fix things but you best believe the mess created is much, much bigger and problematic than you initially think. And while asking you insinuate the current builder is actually (partially) to blame. My guess is that it will take no effort or time for people to actually believe this crap and fully blame Labour for this fiasco.

    And if you doubt me or find my statements a bit ‘over the rop’, remember there are millions of people who believe Obama should have stopped 911 and Katrina. Yep, that is the US but the principle stands: people are morons.

  • This is tiresome, you are not here to discuss and exchange ideas but you are here to antagonize and ridicule. For some odd reason you think you are above me. It’s odd. You will deny, of course, and perhaps I am not 100% right but I have to do with what you give me and that is the attitude of an obnoxious child trying to rectify others by the power of imaginary higher morals. Let’s not beat around the bush here: you are behaving like an confused asshole.

    As long as you keep using that tired trick of “both sides are the same” we will progress nowhere in this thread other then you polishing your imagined sense of superiority.

    So no sensible attempt, however good or bad it may be, from my side anymore. You are just here to waste my time.

    And to put a cherry on your arrogant cake you close with some meaningless quote.

    Here, I will close with a BS quote as well:
    “Those who profess anyone can enter politics will end up being ruled by the incompetent”.

    And that’s it, I’m done with you.

  • So I respond with words yet you condemn me as being the same as how others are actively destroying democracy. I look for answers but you cannot help yourself in mixing it all together as one, it’s all the same. Nihilist my left foot…

    To be honest, you are just here to antagonize, not to discuss, or so it seems.

    For the record, I am not American so no running for office nor should I if I were eligible as I have no answers nor solutions.

    Well, back to my insignificant corner I go, this leaves you the space to project your version of ‘what is right’.

  • So if I read you right we can just about do nothing with what we face. We can all see what is happening and any action to remedy it is worrying and potentially a dictatorship, a decline in freedom of speech even.

    Sometimes you can clearly see what is happening and normal counter behavior is not working. The ‘other’ side is not adhering to your standards of democracy and is in fact using your standards against you. This sounds like the playbook from the right: they can do and say shit all day long as they are not held to the same standards as liberals are. Liberals need to be pitch perfect or else they face internal backlash. Conservatives on the other hand can literally shit in the halls of the capitol and face no consequences. And that is the least of our problems, they also use democracy to eliminate it, to turn lives of others in a dystopian hellhole and they will not only succeed, they are cheered on by a large portion of society.

    But whatever, this is what America wants. There was an election and they won, end of story. I can’t even get mad anymore, if this is what the people want then by all means, this is what they get. Who am I to say people voted wrong? It is a free country where you get to pick you representatives, even if it means these same representatives will use that gained power to erode the same system they used to get elected.

    I don’t blame conservatives to be honest, I blame the rest for allowing this to happen and who are repulsed and get morally conflicted when counter measures are suggested if things start to go south. In my opinion you do need strong actions to preserve democracy, measures that are sometimes in conflict with the whole idea of democracy. We need to learn that preserving democracy is sometimes an ugly business which requires dirty hands once in a while. But if that is not palatable then we are doomed to lose it because guess what, the other side has no such restrictions or moral conflicts, they will take it away from you.

  • Or block someone who has a disproportionate platform to communicate his views?

    I suppose the Fairness Doctrine tried to handle that but was thrown out. Perhaps time to bring it back? That way everybody gets equal air/message time?

    Question for me is, why is it important to ‘protect’ a foreigner to meddle with a country where he does not belong? And why does this person want to meddle with foreign elections? I would argue that a country has every right to assess, evaluate and take action whenever it decides that person has an influence on its election process. He (Musk) is no citizen of Germany and therefore should not be allowed to interfere. Expressing an opinion is fine until that person has a platform where this opinion starts to sway and influence that election. In that case I refer to my statement above about the Fairness Doctrine.

    Fair warning: I do appreciate a discussion on this but if it will involve words like 'woke and the likes then I cease to be interested in that discussion

  • It will most probably not limit itself with the UK.

    The UK is just ripe for the plucking, that country has shown the ability to shoot themselves in the nuts and has proven to be able to elect nutjobs and/or a nutjob party. See Truss, Johnson, Sunak, etc.

    Any country that shows social instability, a reasonably strong fascist movement and uproar against people from the left through MAGA terminology will be in his visor as a target. He will then endorse these via his platform and his fortune.

    He is willing to see the world burn for personal gain. These gains will come through his companies located all over the world, hence his meddling with these countries.