I don’t think he can pull that shit in Germany.
I don’t think he can pull that shit in Germany.
Don’t you hate that you have to agree with someone you despise when he says something about yourself. Only hope is US and Israel doesn’t double down on its tomfoolery.
Reading the whole thread seemed like a boomer crying that young people are ruin8ng stuff by adding new fangled stuff to their perfect utopian bloat.
This news along with the news of WiFi driver maintainer stepping down, feels like there won’t be any new blood in Linux kernel development except for corporate funded developers.
One of the part that gave me random reboots was the PSU. It used to drop voltage randomly, affecting random components. After changing that it was rock solid.
If you carry the same PSU from ur older server maybe try changing it.
World was always run on the rule that might makes right.
Yes we got a sinking boat and were forced to keep on rowing. We were never old enough to say that the holes should be patched. We were given the dream that our time will come. We were told that our job was to keep our head down and row, so we kept on rowing. Till the boat sank.
We are the first generation to work but have nothing to show for it, as compared to boomers.
You have to make a rental agreement. Here in India it has to be registered with the government and pay a nominal registration charges. So when filing your taxes you join your lease agreement, which can be verified by the registrar.
A teacher is always greater than the pupil, in this case worse.
Russia taking tips from his fellow ICC convict Bibi.
Absolutely if you go on killing their parents, their brithers and sisters; bomb their playgrounds, their schools. What else they are going to do except for lashing out anyone. These would be the kids vulnerable to be brainwashed into doing further horriffic things.
Russia learning from Israel.
Edit - People downvoting me seem to be saying that I must acknowledge Israel’s professor i.e. USA.
It was US war which had European partners because of the NATO treaty. US left after betraying people who helped US in US’s fight into the hands of the very people US was fighting.
So is US also, an unreliable partner, in Afghanistan, Vietnam.
Bcoz US
It feels like gallows humour.
Can Russia invading Ukraine and Israel invading Lebanon be enough.
People individually care, I care, but as a community it is too far away for people be concerned about it.
It is obvious from the hatred protestors are getting everywhere, the haste with which media and the public make the Palestinians the villian are Israeli the victims.
Gaza no one cares about you
I can’t fathom how do you mean Rust is not maintainable. If anything for a new programmer C code is much more mind boggling than Rust.
Writing in Rust might make it much more maintainable.