I like to assemble the pizza on parchment. Makes everything a bit easier.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
I like to assemble the pizza on parchment. Makes everything a bit easier.
If and when it becomes possible to surgically modify yourself into an actual transhuman type catgirl or kitsune, and you know the furries will be all over it, there will definitely be a conservative backlash.
Just a small nit, I would say ‘much’ cheaper or ‘dramatically’ cheaper. Exponential refers to rate od change, not magnitude of change. Something increasing by 10% a year is exponentially increasing, something that’s just gotten bigger could be increasing linearly or not at all.
That is not a fast process. Plus solar insolation won’t change. It won’t make up for the losses in the USA.
Reminds me of a scene in Heinlein’s Starship Troopers where they explain the need for mobile infantry. All thr bombs in the world won’t let you hold the territory. For that you need the infantry, and always will. If I recall right.
So I’d say he missed the very fundamental point there that robots cannot win a war alone.
Yeah. This is a plot point used in a few stories, eg Carl Sagan’s “Contact”
“Overlap between the dumbest humans and the smartest cats”
It seems a lot like a Maritime-style donair, which often has pineapple and a sweet sauce. Pretty similar concept of a thing in a flatbread shell.
Impressive work, however you slice it.
In the show, gems are asexual, non gendered. They just use female pronouns for convenience.
They never really covered reproduction in depth, except that they’re crystals grown in rock substrate. They’re closer to computer than biological.
There is often very limited table space and stacking the dishes can be more about making room than server convenience.
That said, obviously don’t be dumb about it. Stack dishes properly and maybe stick the utensils in a cup so they aren’t at risk of falling during transport.
Age the second one 2000 years and look as good it will not.
Boom de yada, boom de yada, boom de yada, boom de yada.
Austria, you listening? Time to get the team back together, I think.
Yeah, 10mg is almost more than I can handle, makes me feel a bit sick. Tolerance varies.
True, though it might be a temporary advantage to create an acute crisis at a key time. Something to keep in the back pocket maybe. NCD stuff.
Genuinely, though, I wonder how centralized their vodka industry is. A few bombs could cause a fairly major crisis if as many people are alcoholic as rumoured.
That sounds like something a bat would say.