When Ukraine’s president surprisingly shifted towards Russia, the people engaged in civil disobedience until there was a new president.
What will the US do?
When Ukraine’s president surprisingly shifted towards Russia, the people engaged in civil disobedience until there was a new president.
What will the US do?
For one why limit it to the North Atlantic? Japan, South Korea, and Australia should get in on the action too. And France and the UK can help them all get nukes (yes I mean that seriously - US and Russia being the only large nuclear powers is a disaster). Now would be a great time for the stable democracies (not the US) to create a new alliance.
Because the status quo throughout history is an extremely small number of people getting the most benefits by far and everyone else getting screwed, and everyone seeing this as normal. People are used to it, while having everyone on relatively equal footing is new and therefore scary.
Well that’s what I mean by doing more harm than good. People notice, and then say “I hate whatever those people stand for”.
Protests do more harm than good to a cause, especially annoying protests.
There’s plenty of evidence that he actually is very stupid, and that he may even have a learning disability. To be honest, once you accept the thought that he may be mildly retarded, you can’t unsee it. For example in the recent talk about rare earth minerals, it seems to me that Trump thinks rare earth is actually soil in the way he talks about it and it drives me nuts that the media doesn’t point this out:
“We’re looking to do a deal with Ukraine where they’re going to secure what we’re giving them with their rare earth and other things…They have great rare earth. And I want security of the rare earth, and they’re willing to do it."
But he makes up for it politically with great skill in appealing to people’s base emotions.
Leftism is unpopular by definition, especially to the privileged classes. Leftism seeks to upend the status quo, and loss aversion is a problem.
Not that efforts can’t be made.
I have some hope from the fact that when they showed just how absurdly subservient they are, some people showed up at town hall meetings to yell at them. Not all of these representatives are totally insulated in a maga-encrusted bubble, and at some point the fear of being too pro-Trump might start to compete with the fear of not being pro-Trump enough.
The salute is just a symbol of much larger antisemitic moves by Elon. It’s not hard to find neo Nazis posting swastikas and the like on X and many Jewish users have indicated that reporting those images goes nowhere despite them being specifically enumerated as banned in the official terms of use. There’s plenty of evidence out there that Elon is in fact a far right racist if not outright Nazi.
Your vote is the only power you have. That means you should use it as effectively as possible. Which means you shouldn’t only use it on the ideologically pure, you also use it for people who are more in that direction than the alternative.
The result of this last election is someone who supports a Palestinian state lost, and someone who supports total Israeli domination won. Your takeaway that something else happened is rare and is not the takeaway of the media, the voters, or the parties. Palestine is now dead in American politics and support for Palestine in any form will now be seen as a liability, that is if any Palestinians are left after this term. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Ooh, a statement. Well that’s all she, or anyone else who supports Palestinians getting to stay alive and in their homes can do now. Everything we’re discussing on this thread has become pointless, because the side that wants Israel to take both Gaza and the West Bank and violently remove all the residents there now controls all branches of the federal government. It’s gonna happen, and we’ve run out of ways to stop it after this last election. You may as well demand your pet cat make a statement, it will have as much effect.
shutting out a significant portion of your community without seeking their input first isn’t a sensible move for such a foundational open source project.
Ironic when X shuts out anyone who isn’t logged in and shuts out anyone who doesn’t pay for a blue checkmark from having visible replies.
Having an X account isn’t consequence-free - if it becomes where updates occur, people have to sign up for an account and subject themselves to nazis everywhere and all manner of crypto spam just to see updates. And they have to pay Elon tribute to be heard in response. It’s crazy that anyone sees it as being friendly to users.
No we really don’t. Luigi was an idiot. He shot a subsidiary CEO worth some $40 million - Brian Thompson was closer to working class wealth than to Elon’s wealth. Did nothing to fight the real enemy, who have quite simply continued unabated and even accelerated their efforts to control everything since.
Tesla’s market share has definitely been harmed by Elon’s actions already, especially in Europe
Still, Tesla stock is up because Wall Street loves Trump.
“It’s good to be proud of German culture, German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything,” Musk said.
Non-German, in attempt to change Germany, warns Germans of non-Germans changing Germany
The good news is we are a very stupid enemy
“They’re saying ‘the war is tomorrow’ – this causes panic on the market and elsewhere," Zelensky, Jan 2022 in response to US warnings of imminent Russian invasion.
Zelensky didn’t “choose to fight” because Russia insisted there would be no fight right up until it crossed the border. It would’ve been considered a sneak attack but for the US telling everyone Russia was invading for a full month in advance. There was no choice offered to Zelensky and never has been since, unless you count Russia’s current stance of basically “give us all your weapons and maybe then we’ll negotiate”/
And is it working?
Point being, the whole “genocide” thing is useless because people don’t care. No one thinks they’re committing a genocide. If you went to Nazi Germany, they’d tell you the holocaust is not a genocide, it’s a security measure or something like that. Just like you probably don’t look at Oct. 7 as a genocide. It’s the same thing. We’re all human, we’re all easily tricked into being monsters.
Does anyone decide against genocide when it suits them? There’s some irony in both Palestine and Israel supporters whining to the Democrats about not opposing the respective genocides hard enough while ignoring their Hamas and Netanyahu doing it to the other side. Take the log out of your own eye before complaining about the speck in the other’s.
On a rational level, we all need to oppose killing of civilians and children. But man, it’s hard to convince people to care when the people you’re trying to save won’t help themselves.
Except that whole thing about Dems being just as bad, which is like 90% of tankie arguments about the US.