A relationship is built on trust. You are not room mates. Invite her to move in with no expectations, and let her decide how she wants to contribute.
A relationship is built on trust. You are not room mates. Invite her to move in with no expectations, and let her decide how she wants to contribute.
Why have you been emigrating to different countries every 15 years?
Women who don’t know their own bodies have a tough time orgasming. Get her a toy to use by herself, or convince her to start exploring her own body.
Departing a bit from other advice. Have fun however you think that’s possible. If you choose to get emotionally involved, you’re bound to get your feelings hurt. But don’t worry about hurting either of them.
We say it out loud a lot. People seem to remember to be polite when not anonymous.
I don’t think you need a VPN here since you’re using an already secure protocol. Sounds like you’re mostly wanting a static IP address. You can configure the local router to hand out static IPs. Local DNS works too.
We found him boys. Take him away.
N-Ha toothpaste makes my tongue feel funny after brushing.