- Watering plants: yes.
- Talking to each other 10+ minutes: yes.
- Chatting via a messenger: yes.
- Hang out: no.
Ich mag Pflanzen und hab ein extra Regal dafür. Support your FOSS (Free and OpenSource Software) projects!🫶🏼
Because it was just pulled out
I think this is the best answer. I’d like to add, that game genres are often comparable to forms of sport. So e.g. I hate running 😅 but love surfing.
So just as there is a sport for almost everyone, there is probably at least one genre you like. Now where to start, that’s a but more difficult. But there are already good answers for that
Interesting to hear! For me, it’s usually exploring an idea, that I find interesting, in detail. Usually something that could perhaps happen in the future (i.e. science fiction).
So I would say that Westworld is one of my favorite shows. Severance is also very interesting!
PS: I think you’d like Brooklyn 99.
Idk. I agree that it’s a bad practice, but I also don’t understand the downvotes. I think in this context it’s valid to share your preference whether to update or not. Maybe some people just click dislike because it has lots of dislikes? Who knows :)
I only know that I was pleasantly surprised how well GNOME ran on a surface device of a friend.
Once a detector is good, you can train a model to adjust its outputs to cause false negatives from the detector. Then the cycle repeats. It’s a cat and mouse game basically.
The only proper way I see is a system that is based ob cryptographic signatures. This ia easier said than done ofc.
Speak for yourself! 😏