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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Then do some C# development in Visual studio, and you’ll see how to develop while never touching the commandline ;) (but of course you could do some things via command line if you really want to) Everything from creating project to running & debugging to building & deploying, all via the IDE

  • I recently read an article about a doctor who was making a case that the issue is not that those 1 in 5 are “neurodivergent”, but our current society is causing harm. When he sees ADHD symptoms his first “treatments” are proper nutrition, making sure they feel like they’re doing meaningful things in life, enough exercise, etc…

    I’m also sometimes starting to wonder if for a part we’re not just medicating people to “thrive” in a society that’s inhuman, rather than make society work for as many people as possible.

    But it’s of course a very complex & grey area, and let’s be honest, something as vague as ADHD probably encompasses a lot of different causes. And it’ll probably take decades of research before we actually manage to split up all the things that are today lumped together into the separate things with each their own propert treatment.

  • Ah yes, i can’t critisize such stupid articles without opposing their message… I’d love more equality, and agree that something should be done about it.

    I just would love to see actually useful numbers that mean something when we make a fuss about it rather than useless info like this that is meaningless.

    How you interpreted my message as bootlicking is beyond me, but i guess you’re a youngling that interprets any critique as an attack?

  • This is a completely meaningless figure…

    I really hate when articles come out with this kind of data. Huge numbers like this without any context just mean nothing. Ok, 42 trillion$, how much money did they already have? How much percent did their fortunes increase? Is that more or less than inflation?

    It’s just a meaningless huge number that has no intention other than to shock, certainly not to inform or they would have given actually useful numbers that would actually let you have an idea whether it’s that bad or not…

    I hate that people keep falling for nonsens like this… Just post a huge number without any context or any other numbers needed to be able to make sense of it, and everyone is like “omfgwtfbbq, this is SOOOO bad”! Is it? It’s perfectly possible that this isn’t even enough to keep up with inflation, and they’re technically poorer, probably not, but we’ll never know from this useless article…