I just scheduled an appointment with my GP and told him I needed a sleep lab. Insurance covered most of it, I think. I’m a little fuzzy on the details since it was a long time ago. If you’re in the US, you’ll likely want to make sure you get the details from your insurance company (assuming you have insurance; if not they can get pretty pricey). If you’re elsewhere, they’ll likely be free or cheap
I just wanted to break this down for people who’ve never been in a fight before (knowledge is power!) It’s hard to tell with such low resolution but the reason hes KOed is because he was punched in the jaw at an angle (cuz the guy’s taller, it makes it much easier). The brain kind of blue screens when that happens with the correct force.
Remember kids: guard the jaw. Bonus tip: the forehead is incredibly strong.
P.S. running away should always be priority number one. If thats not possible, then you fight