There are several active and very passionate communities online including Fragrantica and Basenotes…things can get incredibly nerdy when discussing perfume, believe it or not 😀
There’s also a fragrance community here on lemmy but I think it’s all but dead now…
This is going to be a long comment… 😀
All time favourite note is probably Jasmine, but not a nice fresh Jasmine, something a bit more indolic and sultry. Also I like Vanilla, but again not sweet, a proper vanilla pod scent with something mixed in to make it interesting (Mona di Orio has a beautiful Vanilla fragrance that also has boozy notes of Rum, Orange and Wood- she envisioned a trade ship carrying them as goods when creating it)
Also I love Labdanum, it helps to form the back bone of ‘Oriental’ perfumes. It lasts for ever and is deep and rich. Plus Mimosa, but so far only in Frederic Malles Une Fleur de Cassie- it is glorious with a underlying something. In a review someone said it was like a beautiful garden, full of flowers with a dead body buried in it! I think you can probably sense a theme that I don’t like pretty fragrance, I like something a bit dark and skanky…
I also love the smell of soil, CBIhatePerfume has a great one called Wild Hunt, it smells exactly like a resinous pine forest, complete with damp soil and mushrooms. He doesn’t create ‘normal’ perfumes, they’re more like entire sensory experiences that transport you elsewhere. Patchouli is another favourite, it’s grassy and slightly chocolatey too. Musks are another some can be gloriously filthy!
Favourite perfumes…? There are so many to choose from! I have probably around 100 different one by now, some are decants and large sample sizes (which makes it more affordable) others are full bottles purchased when the £ was stronger than the Euro, and before Brexit…
I have favourite perfume houses, including Frederic Malle (his perfumes are amazing and use quality ingredients and lots of natural oils), Serge Lutens (his fragrances tend to be dark and opulent- checkout his website for some French Gothic fun), Guerlain is a really old perfume house their La Art et La Matiere line is wonderful. Also Parfums d’Empire, Mona di Orio, Sonoma Scent Studio, Papillon Perumes… Chanel Exclusifs and some Dior
Me and the bf are intending to visit Paris soon, I can guarantee we will be our respects to Serge Lutens Boutique and Maison Guerlain!
edit…I forgot Rose, Ylang, Incense, Sandalwood, some Ouds…the list is endless
Also changed ‘les exclusifs’ to ‘La Art et La Matiere’