(( Erzählt dem Brudi nicht dass in jedem Bewerbungsgespräch entweder nach der Bernoulliformel oder der literarischen Analyse von Kafkas Verwandlung gefragt wird ))
(( Erzählt dem Brudi nicht dass in jedem Bewerbungsgespräch entweder nach der Bernoulliformel oder der literarischen Analyse von Kafkas Verwandlung gefragt wird ))
Nono, it feeds me comfortably, I’m just really into saving up since I want to own an apartment one day and I’d definitely be annoyed at having to feed an extra person with no prior notice.
We’d get along fine, but feeding two people on one salary will definitely be annoying (my job has a non-competition clause where I can’t pick up a second job in the same field), and getting enough adhd meds for the both of us will be impossible due to strict regulations here.
One of us still could bring value to the household by being the designated bangmaid though
Yup, it’s best to avoid Californian Almonds. Luckily there are brands like Alpro who commit to sourcing their Almonds from Spain and Italy instead
The forgotten coffee problem was my main reason for switching to oatmilk. If it stands around uncooled with cow milk for too long it grosses me out, but oatmilk isn’t as volatile so I don’t mind drinking yesterday’s coffee.
I almost missed picking up my meds yesterday because I was playing Minecraft VR … took like 2 hours between realizing I need to go pick them up and tearing off the headset and only half-turning everything off, because I got caught in wanting to turn the game off in a state where I’d remember what I was working on, so I had to return home, and then I had to fix a machine I was tinkering with, and then my crops were ready so I had to pick them, and then a trader wandered in and I wanted something before he disappeard so I had to scrape up money…
Sooo… where do we go after stage 3? The meds just make me nap a lot :(
With my partner, we usually gift time/knowledge. As in, one person wants to buy something but doesn’t have the time/expertise to read up it and find the perfect thing. So the other hops in and does the research for them.
This valentine’s my partner helped me decide on a new gaming keyboard, while I got him a custom web domain and email setup.
So maybe if there’s a thing you’ve been meaning to research/buy, let your partner do it as a gift?
So you’re saying we all should be wearing cat ears in our Linkedin pictures to have better chances to be hired?
I’m both depressed and grew up poor so idk what you’re on about
Getting jealous at people who appear to have it better isn’t exactly a productive solution to either of those
… do people actually do that? As in, is strong jealousy really a thing?
I’d like to believe that each of us builds their life into the exact thing they need, so swapping places with anyone else would be terribly uncomfortable. So I can’t relate as to why anyone would ever be jealous i guess haha
smh my head, Luigi Pawgione was right there!!
My parents claim there is rampant discrimination and racism towards Russians. They’re all hysterical about it, claiming that they need to stow away all their money in a russian bank before the German government starts persecuting them “like they did with the Jews” (yea, literal quote). I’m doubtful that it’s as bad as they claim 🤔
Install Revanced, it’s literally better than the vanilla youtube app because you can customize basically everything
forbidden spaghetti
I don’t think your ban reason leaves a lot of room for that…
In some sense, Powerwolf. The only concert I ever went to, I was really surprised to learn that apparently I hate concerts and will never go to one again.