my mom sent me this
my mom sent me this
i dunno ab this bc social media is vague. corporate sites that pump out politically divisive content, misinformation, harmful content, etc. should be a bigger target? when i was a teenager, using social media platforms to connect to queer spaces was essential for me, but i was on reddit and tumblr rather than instagram or tiktok. its a tough line between protecting minors and restricting their freedom on their behalf. sucks that parents cant just step up and do what’s right, because the law can be unnecessarily suffocating. at the very least, seems like its the companies, not the kids, who’d be punished. curious to see how this plays out.
edit: spelling is hard
so then what else are you doing? are you out protesting, boycotting, participating in mutual aid?
he looks like this every day
this is the correct answer
i got 6 pairs about 5 or 6 years ago I wear all the time. still in great shape!
have u tried good ole fashion wool?
i dont think ill ever be in the mindset to get massively ripped off by a shitty company in buttfuck nowhere florida. no hate to people who enjoy it but it used to be a more reasonably priced endeavor. now the prices are worse and the lines longer than ever. with that kind of money id rather take a week in a cabin or nyc or something
id thrift more wood pieces but i dont have the tools/space to fix it up. also i move a lot and that stuff is HEAVY
disney world
tbh ive seen incredible speeches by nonnative speakers because you can feel their passion and effort. the worst presentations at work you can just feel the laziness. i get lazy too, dont get me wrong, but they drag out SO LONG. just spit it out so i can take my desk nap 😭
actually huge pet peeve when people write out erm at all. also poor public speaking really bothers me. slow, with "um"s and "so like"s, monotone. really, really makes a work meeting drag by
talking to people. friends, strangers, idc. people seem too stiff these days and i think it keeps people lonely.
a metal detector and a bocce ball set
i love this so much
my cat loves sitting on pillows and even more so on the sheets if the sheets are open. hes hairy and sheds so i dont let him on there but he is quite persistent.
awesome u were able to find something to do w the the kiddo. ive been trying to spend more time w friends and family myself. keep on the lookout for activities that you both genuinely enjoy. my mom and i like cooking but i like to play board games w my dad.
i was raised in a high pressure household and school was always always the pause. im only 23 now but im still struggling to figure out who i am since i never really got the chance to. responsibilities will always creep in, you have to be super intentional about making time for you. maybe start with a once a week class on something that interests you. as busy as you are, you can find a couple hours one day a week. prioritize movement, eating well, and sleeping enough so you have more energy, and therefore time during the day.