Tankies, in other words
Tankies, in other words
We’re clearly not willingly accepting the situation we’re in, if we’re at the point of gunning down CEOs in the streets.
We do not consent to the shit any longer, and we’re shitting back
Violence isn’t the answer, at first. But if they won’t respect our peace,they should respect our piece.
This post would already get removed from .world
maybe i’m old, but i have no idea what a dragon rider is. am i boomer now?
guys, it was just a prank!
That sounds like an actual battle, then.
I have a dog named bouly. He looks like a bear, so his name became bouly bear, then an auto correct on my phone happened and it became bouly bean. Now he’s Bean.
No, that’s what it says
When will it’s time be though? Because it was ugly then and it’s still ugly now.
this reminds me that they had to change the rules in javelin throwing, apparently the athletes used to throw javelins like that.
claymores have that pommel which will make it easier to wield than a baby.
Hell, I even still remember the Alamo and Wounded Knee.
is this sweet tooth’s waifu?
Thank you, I now know how to say fucking in Taiwan and western Taiwan:)
It’s only a matter of time before the travel bans are instituted and anyone from a ‘shithole country’ is not allowed in.
Remember that wall Trump wants to build? It’s also to keep Americans in.
I can see no way that this would cause more war.