Wieso dürfen Menschen über 70 wählen und gewählt werden?
Mal ernste Frage. Hat zufällig jemand mal gesehenwie das bei unseren Eltern war, als diese 40 warn. Waren die Poliker da auch alle 70?
Wieso dürfen Menschen über 70 wählen und gewählt werden?
Mal ernste Frage. Hat zufällig jemand mal gesehenwie das bei unseren Eltern war, als diese 40 warn. Waren die Poliker da auch alle 70?
Your guinea pig likes special characters alot.
I want a simple desktop with small elements to maximize real estate for windows.
While using a top AND bottom bar on the screen. Thats exactly my humour. I am specific about that, because its what confuses me the most about many gnome distros when they so that. The vertical space is the most important one, don’t waste it with additional bars.
I also had kde neon and switched to kubuntu. Its really nice and only has minor issues. I also tried opensuse beforehand, which was not a good experience, for example the sound did not work (which is a typical probl, at least says their wiki and the fixes were obsolete, but not documented that they were.) and as a final straw, YouTube video played without hw acceleration, even with codecs installed.
I had less problems with endeavour os (arch), which runs on a second rig as a steamdeck.
Not a good advice. A friend of mine is still on win7 and it still works and got security updates time to time. But some programs actually stopped working or only older lts versions remain workings. Win10 is probably still ok for a year or two.
I still wonder what the difference made. I would image, it should be the same.
Did you try lutris out of flatpak? I don’t know why but this version has less issues. I compared lutris vs bottles and for me the performance of bottles was way worse. (Sadly). Because the bottles ui is much better
Do you know what the issue was? Iam on kubuntu with the flatpak version (important) of lutris and battle.net + sc2 just runs out of the box. With a normal installation of lutris it didn’t.
Sounds nice, how useable is it?
These news are just a joke. The police talks like they made the big catch, but AGAIN it was the work of other people. In this case some random underpayed person who found cocaine in the bananas at the supermarket. There was a documentary about their last big cocaine busts, they always just got lucky or had external tips.
Nice to hear and the recipe change sucks. Dont know if you are German. Augustiner released a alcfree helles, which actually tastes good. Most alc free helles taste really bad.
If its just a habbit, perhaps try an alcohol free one instead sometimes. If you need the buzz the relax, probably try to find something else as an alternative. Daily drinking is no joke, even if its totally normal for some peergroups.
What are you talking about? I am using and recommending krita, lol.
Immer toll wie alte weiße Männer meinen über die zukunft anderer zu entscheiden zu müssen.