blacklist hid_sensor_hub
Should fix your issues after a reboot
Reddit is dead, long live reddit.
blacklist hid_sensor_hub
Should fix your issues after a reboot
They didnt use amphets, they used meth…
Bohdi linux. smoll and beautiful. Used to run it on my eeepc 701
I guess it’s running a free ART implémentation? As Android runs on Linux there’s at least no kernel translation layer to do
On ritalin (adrerall is not allowed here) yeah it goes away.
I got diagnosed a year ago lmao
I did the opposite for the last part. I just went the “lazy” path of just doing hard things. As they were easy for me and rewarded more. If the hard things were rewarded less, why bother in the first place?
So I got based by teachers as “not precise enough” because they could clearly see I totally understood what the exercise wanted me to do, I just didn’t do “the easy part” of writing it properly.
It was named f-secure before.
I didnt like very much his video. “You need the terminal to install vlc” wait what ? Ubuntu software library is here…
Also he says he will migrate to davinci resolve once he needs to, but oh boy I’ve been seeing a lot of videos about resolve on Linux and how painful it is to use (missing codecs, no pipewire support, hates Wayland …)
Huh, then no idea