Ah. So it’s a gauge system. Like steel plate or copper wire thickness.
5-gauge ham.
Ah. So it’s a gauge system. Like steel plate or copper wire thickness.
5-gauge ham.
yuyuko deka fumo
There’s lots of software out there that is available to use without payment, but is still license restricted in such a way that you are not permitted to redistribute, modify, use for commercial purposes, etc. To many, these rights are the far more important facet of “free” software, above what it costs.
But since the English language has the same word for all of these concepts, we have all these yucks running around with zero-cost but right-restricted software wearing the “FOSS” badge thinking they’re part of the club. So some people add “Libre” to the acronym to explicitly disambiguate.
I mean, if your goal is to keep the meat experience, then yeah, I get your point.
I think that was indeed very obviously the point. The point of both the comment you were replying to and this lab grown meat idea as a whole.
Piss is blood, in a sense. It’s the bits of your blood that get sieved out and rejected by your kidneys.
Normally those are the only bits supposed to be getting out. But if the filter is busted (kidney trouble) or if the walls of the storage tank it sits in after filtering become damaged (bladder trouble), you can end up pissing actual, unfiltered blood.
Alternatively, you ate something recently with a strong red pigment that can survive digestion, enter the bloodstream, get strained out by the kidneys, and collect in your piss in high enough concentration to turn it red. Beets are a pretty famous culprit.
I thought the glyph for “heated seat” in cars depicted a raised fist with the pinkie finger extended rather than a chair with heat waves eminating from it.
The Tea at the Treedome episode of SpongeBob SquarePants further convinced me I was seeing it correctly, and I since knew it as “the fancy button”. In some regard, I wasn’t entirely wrong.
“When in doubt, pinkie out!”
Five years of Mate (which is essentially Gnome 2 on life support) replaced by a couple years of KDE Plasma.
Mate treated me well enough, it was mostly stable, capable, and competent. But it was a bit crusty around the edges, and being so niche meant search-engine-visible help resources for anything than went wrong were virtually nonexistent. In hindsight, using it as a beginner’s DE was probably a mistake. I suppose in being so austere and devoid of resources it taught me to develop more of a “get to the bottom of it yourself” attitude to debugging and have humbler expectations about form versus function, but that’s a pretty rough sell to most people. Mate is definitely better as a drink than a desktop environment.
I don’t need to talk about KDE Plasma at all because the rest of the thread already has. I have nothing new to add beyond the comment that I like their mascot character.
I have no informed opinion on Gnome 3. All I’ve gleaned about it is that it’s supposedly “my way or the highway” by design, and the “my way” in question is controversially counter-grain to a lot of established expectations (e.g. it’s literally why Mate exists). Which is neither here nor there to me, objectively. But I will say I have no interest learning a new way of doing things, even if it’s theoretically superior, when a conventional system still exists, is viable, is highly polished, and is kept sharp-edged. Hence, KDE Plasma.
In that case, you may get some mileage as well out of Old Reddit Redirect. It will automatically force all Reddit links to open in old Reddit for you.
It’s only available for Firefox.
+1 for Reddit API exodus.
Lemmy was sold to me as a Reddit replacement. And it is, superficially. I knew it wasn’t going to be drop-in going in. But the longer I use it the more I think it’s not really quite like Reddit, and never will be. And that’s fine. Lemmy is its own character and I like it for what it is.
I still use Reddit. Lemmy doesn’t scratch all the itches for me. But only old.reddit on the desktop and on mobile with a UI de-shittifying extension. I’m amazed they still offer it at all. Once that’s cut off, something I’ve been bracing myself for for years, I’ll consider the UX enshittification to have fully completed and I’ll truly bail. I simply refuse to use their gentrified UI. And I’m tired as it is having to slap on compatibility layers just to keep their less terrible alternative on life support; I’m not going to do the same thing to make their mainstream UI somewhat more palatable.
Until they make T shaped displays that I can mount sideways, to get the best of both worlds
Were you also a proud owner of an LG Wing? 😉
I’d rather have multiple monitors so I have the more intuituve window snapping. But to each their own.
Well, I also tend to consider ultrawide monitors a mistake in their own right. Why would you want a 49" wide literally anything if it’s not some kind of immersive media experience where menus are irrelevant anyway?
Of course, if that is in fact exactly what you bought it for, I have no complaints. Even if I disagree with having one for other purposes, that’s still no reason for the OS to punish you for having one when you try to use it that way when that problem is completely avoidable.
I’ve personally always loathed the global menu bar paradigm of macOS. Having a menu bar that’s wholly detatched from the currently open window that is context-aware based on which window has focus always felt like an irritating speed bump to me. My mind feels like the OS itself is hiding things from me by only allowing me to see a single app’s menu bar at a time.
But then again, I have no objective qualms with it. I’m sure I could adapt to it. When have I realistically needed to see more than one menu bar at once? I can’t name a time. I’m probbably just pearl-clutching at the perceived arresting of my agency to do things when in fact I’m losing effectively nothing.
At any rate, we agree it’s a sure sight better than the shitshow that is GTK. “Hm? Window decorators and shit? Nahhh, those are your problem. Go roll your own.” For the flagship windowing toolkit of the GNOME Project, the DE I’d consider the closest in philosophy to what macOS has going on, that was a rather strange position to take.
I do honestly miss the level of artistic and aesthetic polish that a multi-billion dollar corporation can afford to field that no Linux distro really can.
Linux as a rule is and always has been generally quite “Guys Live In Apartments Like This”. Often utilitarian to a fault. UX design by backend devs, because actual frontend devs cost money. No one wants to pay the “beauty tax” for software. DEs like KDE and Gnome are trying very hard and have made great strides, but it’s very slow progress.
And I imagine this comment will be a magnet for power user types who will flock to my post and retort something along the lines of, “All that stuff is bloat/a usability nightmare/clutter/gets in my way/comes at the cost of features”, blah, blah, blah, waaahhhh boo hiss… Yes, it’s all true, and yes, I understand. But Linux and the free software it surrounds itself with tends to be crusty, clunky, and god-awful ugly, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t frustrate me a bit now and again. Does it bother me to the point that I don’t want to use it? Fuck no. Windows isn’t worth the bullshit. But they do at least know how to make an OS slick and beautiful, when it works, anyway.
I’m sure people will also cherry pick examples of FOSS software that are quite ergonomic and lovely to feel. Yeah, there are many examples that exist, but they tend to be diamonds in the rough rather than exemplars of the ecosystem. For every one dev in this community who actually has a fucking clue how to make smooth-feeling and aesthetically pleasing software, there’s a score of devs who slapdash together their programmer-art-tier UIs and call it a day, and a thousand other dev-brained users who look at it and go, “this is fine”. And yeah, it is fine. But sometimes I want more than fine.
It’s a divesting of unwanted responsibility.
If any change can break something then all broken bits will need fixing.
Right. So the less decrepit, old code that contains annoying little time bombs, the less time spent fixing things.
But that’s true of all code in the kernel. […] Why not remove all drivers in case an update breaks them.
And how many people actually need these ancient drivers maintained? More than zero, sure, but how many more than zero?
Maintenance effort is a finite resource. Choosing where it gets spent is an executive decision. Every dev hour you assign to debugging some ancient driver that one or two enthusiasts might still want someday is a dev hour not spent on development of some new feature, or fixing a problem affecting thousands, potentially millions of known, current, active users.
We can’t maintain all code forever. At some point the theoretical value it may have is outweighed by its cost to keep alive, and it gets cut.
A driver can be complete and only need updating if someone else breaks stuff, so leave it alone until then and only remove it I’d no one comes to fix it.
That’s sort of where we’re at now, in a way.
Yes, all of these drivers presumably are still fully functional at the time of cutting. But the devs have essentially all decided, “We are not fixing these anymore” already. If any of these break for any reason, they would all be immediate candidates for axing by your system.
The reason they aren’t just left in with a “we’ll just run it until it dies, then!” mentality is because a project like the Linux kernel doesn’t want to be full of software with undefined mystery behavior where they can reasonably avoid it.
A chunk of code being part of it at all is an implicit promise of, “This is intended to function as-documented. If it does not, we are responsible to fix it.” But we already know no one will fix it. So instead it just becomes, “This chunk of code may or may not work. We don’t know and we don’t care, lol. Use at your own risk. If you can prove it’s broken, we’ll just remove it”.
The Linux kernel does not want to be full of code like that. All of its code should be reliable to build things on. If it’s coming out, it needs to be announced in advance so users have time to migrate. A “we will run it until it suddenly breaks” system doesn’t afford that. The feature ideally has to be sunset while it’s still functional.
“Unstable code, use at your own risk” projects are better relegated to optional packages. If someone wants to bundle up these ancient drivers and offer them as an optional package, they are free to do so. If there ends up being zero will from anyone to do even that, I guess it’s more evidence to how little the functionality was actually demanded.
It is. But that’s not saying much.
I may have had to keep a few of the waypoints of the trail in my head for, oh, a week or so, just long enough to scribble it on a history test. Then that information was immediately cleared out to make way for whatever other junk we had to temporarily memorize next chapter.
Only a vague, blurry notion that the Oregon Trail A) existed and B) was a trail to (presumably) somewhere in Oregon remains with me today. Oregon City is certainly not a part of that notion.
Not to shit on the Oregon Trail or Oregon City in particular, of course. I would be truly baffled to meet anyone that retained, in significant detail, even a tenth of what any grade school history class purportedly taught them.
I love cats. Other peoples’ cats.
I will never own my own cat because I don’t want to accept the burden of responsibility that responsible pet ownership demands.
I had a few dozen fumos on my desk for several months to no ill complaint.