Christ- mexico was becoming a good ally for manufacturing.
Lot of engineering is being shipped off to China since big companies like localization to prevent tariffs. Mexico was helping to soothe that.
We’re so fucked lol
Christ- mexico was becoming a good ally for manufacturing.
Lot of engineering is being shipped off to China since big companies like localization to prevent tariffs. Mexico was helping to soothe that.
We’re so fucked lol
AI can do much more than “reproduce”.
We haven’t reached dust bowl levels yet lol
I bet money Russia starts getting absurdly good. And they’ll have really good info. And it will be because of starlink.
I don’t see your point.
Building fossil fuel power infrastructure does nothing to move the needle, but building renewables does.
What are you actually proposing? Because it reads as “we shouldn’t try because any benefits or impacts are long-term”
But the fun thing is that once we reach a critical point, it will go from having a positive carbon impact to a negative carbon impact. But we can never get there if we never start
It’s all about scale and infrastructure.
Huh. Nothing to do woth religion…
There’s plenty of infectious agents that can just lay dormant almost indefinitely.
There’s major concern about viruses coming from the melting permafrost in regions like Siberia.
If you want to hear something even more terrifying, prions can last about indefinitely. Chronic wasting disease in deer is particularly bad because a deer might die and its remains will decompose into the earth. But vegetation will later grow, and some of those prions will have contaminated the new vegetation. A new deer will get infected by eating that vegetation, even years later.
What good does that do for society?
If a cup has a few drops of water after you pour it out,
Say a drop is 0.05ml (20drop/mL is rule of thumb for chemistry). Say your glass cup holds 16oz (mine does), that’s 473mL.
(4*0.05mL / 473mL) *100 = 0.04228% of the original concentration. Now scale that volume up. That ratio is going to be much smaller, since you’re right about volume vs surface area.
5ppb is the cutoff for benzene in stunning water in Oregon apparently. EPA says 5ug/L.
5ppb is apparently 0.0000005%. That’s about 84,000x higher than the cutoff for that one potential contaminant.
Given how small the minimum acceptable level is for many chemicals in gasoline or fuel… Yeah I bet it would increase cancer rates in a statistically significant way.
That would be to be a huge balloon to do anything appreciable, both to your enemy and also the stockpile of waste you have
Right that’s just the stock of old/obsolete/close-to-expiring munitions and equipment we’re willing to spare.
Checksums, on the other hand, are designed to minimize the probability of collisions between similar inputs, without regard for collisions between very different inputs.[8] Instances where bad actors attempt to create or find hash collisions are known as collision attacks.[9]
Fix the laws?
No. It’s the GMOs who are wrong.
Both GMOs and nuclear can be used to mitigate climate change too… :(
The bigger the incentive the more money gets spent on funding the necessary R&D.
Potential means voltage in the context of electricity
Originally Pandemic 2… i miss flash games lol