In English this is called swamp ass.
In English this is called swamp ass.
gender reassignment surgery is not done on minors with the exception of intersex babies(which itself is questionable ethics). Minors can and often do get a tattoos with parental approval.
They can also get psychological counciling and be referred to as a preferred name. These count as gender affirming care.
How is this affecting you? Why do you care what someone else does to their body?
Every child is different and reading is different than watching. The movies were pg-13, the books probably fit that determination as well. But when a particular child is actually “ready” has to be determined by parent and to some degree the child.
There’s no uruk-hai hatch scene in the books at least. I read them starting at 7 or 8ish myself and don’t recall any related nightmares.
Right but the poofy dandelions aren’t pollen they’re seeds.
None of their lifestyles will survive climate change but the jokes on us first.
Make America Geriatric Autocracy
That’s true but stories come from somewhere and people are allowed their own interpretations (within reason). Once something is out in the world you can’t control how other people perceive it.
What is destroyed can be brought back but not in the same way. Destruction is not the end even though things won’t be the same after, probably a world wars reference of sorts.
No PhD or professional degree choice for education?
Oh man I tried a chess club as a kid, got to finals of the internal club (there were only like 6 of us lol) was going pretty piece for piece with the other kid then moved a pawn to set up a fork and the “ref” told me it was too late in the game to move pawns. Ended up in a stalemate (with pawns still on the board). Found out after the “ref” was his uncle. I never went back but I still enjoy chess even though my Elo is only 1200-1400 (depending on time rules).
They volunteer. Shit pay (extremely below min wage) but technically paid. Also get possible record expunging, reduced sentence, and hiring as a “normal” firefighter after.
A lot better than the involuntary less paid crap in some other states. A far sight from civilized rehabilitation though.
Nope, Google doesn’t care about search operators anymore. Hasn’t for a number of years. Have to use a different search engine.
Ahahah, wow, that really is capitalism at its best. That’s some delicious irony and I’ll bet none of the wealthy will do anything to try and get her her money either lol.
Yes, that’s why he’s trying to amend it for the one that is similarly ghouly.
And they other 4/5 of you make fun/dislike them for that.
Except Erdogan likes Putin, even purchasing Russian s400 rockets despite being a NATO member and offered US patriot systems. Its why the first Trump administration had to sanction them and remove them from f35 eligibility.
When a shitty person dies it’s difficult to care about because they’ve spent years if not decades denying empathy to everyone else. Hitler, school bullies, etc to anyone affected by either would you expect them to be sad at their funeral?
I’m not out here throwing a party but I’m not pretending some rich twatnugget I don’t know deserves the space in my brain to care.
Claims to empathy are denied when they’ve never had empathy for their “customers”.
Changing a trailer hitch isn’t that hard.
Traditionally, Mineral oil + fragrance
Mineral oil is also known as paraffin oil and is usually a petrochemical derivative composed of larger alkane hydrcarbons. Fragrance varies a lot.