and a <ctrl>-<b><d>
- done!
and a <ctrl>-<b><d>
- done!
LIES! He was prominently featured in a a brief final race scene thereby filling is obligation and allowing another Lance Riddick film to be made.
(Guessing on the reason why they dragged him out for one 30 sec throwaway scene - but at least they could incorporate the cast for TD in Fast 9)
Unfortunately, dental is typically separate from health care in the US. (It’s stupid).
Do you have any persistent pain or discomfort when doing things? Get that checked out.
Another +1 for colonoscopy.
Also if there’s a family history of anything nasty, see if there’s a test for it my maybe? (E.g. heart attacks, get blood work done for cholesterol).
Get a full physical including blood work.
Don’t worry, AI will help us (make the situation much, much worse by simultaneously causing outages and causing a massive increase of emissions.)
Ah, I wonder if it’s something with the Wasabi S3 hosting. I’ll check into it.
It’s literally all I wanted to do when I saw the .bond TLD came up for registration.
You can take stronk.bond from my cold dead hands.
Jesus Gary Oldman is in everything and I love it. Has the man won an Oscar yet?
This is the correct answer. Private IPs are less concerning (on noes now someone knows a network in my homelab is!) - but absolutely change public IPs in logs.
If it’s necessary to reference external users/systems in multiple log files, I’ll change the names to user1
, user2
, server1
, db2
, etc
Does it have Discovery as a normal app store? You might be able to use that.
Honestly, give the terminal a shot - it’s not as complicated as you may think.
sudo dpkg -i /path/to/yourde.deb
Now whether or not all the packages are fubared at this point is unknown, but that’s how to install a deb file.
As someone who used Latinx in a Lemmy post and then was down voted to oblivion, just go Latino or Latina. But good on you for asking people how they’d like to be called.
We’ll my reading comprehension is quite shitty in the morning. Carry on with the down votes.
I don’t know if it’s even possible anymore (heck it’s hard for me at 40), but try to put something in retirement funds. If your work as a 401k, try and contribute. If you leave the job, your money can then go to an IRA. How do you do that? Beats me - I have five or six requirement accounts, each topping out at around between $2-5k.
Also, brush your teeth and if you grind them in your sleep - get a dentist to fit you for a mouth guard.
Edit: wow, down votes for teeth health.
Edit edit: reading comprehension isn’t my strong suite.
There’s a question that has always bothered me. Wtf do you do now that you have an obviously stolen, used catalytic converter? Find an unscrupulous junk yard? Take it to a pawn shop?
Plus oh-my-zsh and the powerline 10k theme - this is my go-to shell.
No, no, nope.
You missed the first step where you get the parts of the chicken from the grocery store, then go to a pet store to get bones and use Elmer’s glue to put the chicken together.
That’s just the basics of cooking according to Julia Pepin.