I think you had a reading comprehension fail.
Leftists decided punishing Democrats was more important than the rights of marginalized people living in the US, so now we have Trump. Thanks leftists. You’re the reason we will have concentration camps again.
I think you had a reading comprehension fail.
He is a Democrat.
Trump, Vance and the Republican party are owned by Putin. Their actions make complete sense through that lens. Putin wants to destroy the West and this administration is following his orders.
Leftists aren’t capable of self reflection.
Trump really be having the time of his life spitting on all his allies and watching them still line up to suck his dick.
I vote for a trial where we test Canada taking the Western states.
This should be a wake up call to invest in your own carriers and military. Stop letting the US have the monopoly on firepower.
I say this as a US citizen, for AT LEAST the next four years, do not rely on the US for ANYTHING. Even if Trump says you can count on the US, even if he signs a contract in blood, it isn’t worth even wiping your shit with.
He will give everything to Putin. That’s the only thing you can count on.
It’s time for a different superpower to pick up the reins or ascend. The EU can become that, but they really need to stop pretending the US is going to do anything for them.
Are they fighting each other or just hitting all of Europe in a pincer movement?
When will the boomers fucking die already?
The entire world including lots of Europe has been shifting significantly right despite what leftist US haters often say about the US left being a European right. That hasn’t been true for a decade or more.
Both democrats and republicans are in line with neoliberal thought about letting corporations get bigger and bigger and giving more freedom to capital than to people. A simple vote isn’t going to change this.
Per usual, another lie spread by leftists. https://www.vox.com/2019/3/8/18253609/hr-1-pelosi-house-democrats-anti-corruption-mcconnell
As to the rest of it, our current democracy needs many changes to protect it from becoming an autocracy/oligarchy. The ones ones who are committed to those changes are Democrats.
But seizing power as Trump is doing to dictatorially implement changes to prevent dictators would be highly hypocritical. And if the basis of such reforms were based on such a shakeable foundation it would just waiting for the next dictator to come in and do what they want. In that case, then yes, what you’d say is correct, every new elected official will just be a dictator pushing their new whims on the populace. This is why I don’t fault Democrats for trying to do things the proper way democratically through our voting process even if it seems slow or inefficient.
Sadly half of Americans have decided having a dictator isn’t a deal breaker or something to exercise their vote for so that’s left us here.
Money is only this powerful because people didn’t vote when it mattered to keep money out of politics.
The US is over. I hope my state and those near us have the balls to secede and form Cascadia. I’d volunteer to fight if needed.
Shhh. They don’t want to hear facts.
Maybe start at the local level and build a community of like minded people to form a cohort to enact change instead of trying to start at the top and then throwing a tantrum when you don’t get your way after putting in none of the work or effort to better the party from the ground up like all the other established politicians have.
No they’d rather sit on the couch and complain that the dinosaurs are dinosauring and won’t switch to communist revolution like they believe everyone wants, even though they’ve never left the couch.
If they actually went out and tried to become local politicians to effect change they would probably see that their ideals are far less popular in real life among normal people outside of the terminally online crowd.
Have you actually looked at their platform? Or are you just repeating “Republican lite” because that’s what all your social circle says?
So that’s why purge.
Zelensky needs to face reality that Ukraine isn’t getting any more support from the US and start more seriously seeking aid elsewhere. They’ll be lucky if the US doesn’t start sending jets and weapons to Russia. The US is an enemy now.