Yes. So what?
Yes. So what?
Tbh, the hate is largely good old fashioned bullying. The rumors of cheating have been completely disproven. She qualified, she knew she was unlikely to win. She’s almost 20 years older than her oldest opponent and this was perhaps her first time competing at that level. Her performance had good parts.
I think the gleeful bullying is disgusting. Fucking armchair critics.
Edit: there are specific moves, but it’s largely improvisational. you are judged comparatively against the other b-boy. If you watch the full set the commentators will call them out. her full set
The Internet just likes to bully people.
Banksy has official proxies they use to communicate with the press.
The fight scene in question btw. So god damned satisfying to watch. What a surprise.
I still have fond memories of watching the Twilight movies in theaters. Abysmal writing, but damn if they aren’t entertaining to watch. I still remember the audiences reaction to every character getting totally murdered in the last movie (if you know, you know). What an epic film.
Many ancient practitioners of stoicism were wealthy statesmen, including emperors. And, the literate elite were certainly enamored with it. I’m not a historian, but stoicism was shaped by wealthy and powerful people, as was every popular philosophy.
I’m not opposed to it. I like aspects of Stoicism. But, When it comes to wealth, it always rubbed me the wrong way. It seemed so often to me that wealthy stoics make a virtue out of possessing, but not coveting wealth, and in doing so make a vice of dissatisfaction with one’s wealth. For a rich man, this is reasonable. However, a poor man is correct to be dissatisfied. Poor men need to be angry, and to rise up and demand wealth (in my opinion), their pain and anguish is meant to be felt and to stoke action.
Stoicism is not often presented as compatible with this mindset of mine. I’m sure there are types of stoicism which address this, but most influencers seem to present Stoicism though a relatively uncritical lense.
My caveat to this is that many of the foundational individuals to stoicism, as well as present influencers, are members of the upper class, and while there are a lot of great ideas in there, stoicism can often be distilled into a philosophy of rugged individualism which is more easily achieved with wealth, power, and privilege.
I am of the opinion that stoicism is good, but a disproportional number of those who practice it are often out of touch.
The best one to play with is chat gpt’s paid subscription, but some excellent free voice ai are Google Gemini, meta’s WhatsApp ai chat,, and chat gpt’s free voice chat.
Playing hangman or 20 questions with friends and a voice ai is objectively hilarious. None of them can really do it properly
I freaking hate RLS
I’d love to know if domestic cats are capable of this sort of way finding, or if it was coincidence.
Israel is going to get itself destroyed.
Tons of people already are. The following site is useful for searching papers using ai
If you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you like this other girl? Was she mean to you?
I’ll be honest, this is confusing as hell, so I might be misunderstanding.
I think it’s a little hypocritical that you want it to be a chill, no drama space with the bros, but you also want to exclude a girl because you see her as competition for the guy you like who is in this group.
I understand you had a bad experience with her, but you said that the guys don’t know that. From their perspective, you’re just excluding other girls for no other reasons than seemingly to be the only girl in the group and perhaps to have exclusive access to your crush.
Thank you Lain.
covers my eyes
I’m not a medical expert, but typically your skin is pretty good at keeping pathogens out, at least when you clean yourself regularly.
Keeping your hands clean (and thus your eyes and mouth) should be a priority. A relatively cheap and easy thing to focus on would be cheap, disposable gloves. Buy them in bulk, and carry a wad in a pocket. You can turn old ones inside out and use them as little trash bags. Change them out whenever you feel like it.
If you don’t have a clothes washer at home, consider buying a cheap portable unit that can drain into the shower or sink. I have one, and it rocks.
You might feel a little crazy, but if you have the spare cash, buy some bleach spray and paper towels and wipe down the elevator. It should only take 5 minutes. It could be the case that it only needs to be cleaned every few weeks.
Remember that by keeping your space and person clean, you are doing a lot to stay healthy. People work draining septic tanks for a living and are exposed to sewage, but stay healthy because of good hygiene habits in the long term. I don’t mean to minimize your situation, because I’d feel crazy too, but just keep in mind you’re already doing a good job.