Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitates it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Was on but created this profile on during the first week-long outage.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 0 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024

  • Check system settings for a keyboard entry / applet. I’m on LMDE Cinnamon and have no idea what the equivalents are on Kubuntu, but over here it’s definitely possible to change/remove the default keyboard assignments and set up custom ones instead.

    For example, I have Shift+WWW (the multimedia key that starts a web browser by default) set to start the browser with an alternate profile. I could just as easily set plain old WWW to, say, start a terminal instead, or run that custom command.

    The hardest part is knowing what custom command to run to get the desired effect.

  • Haven’t seen this in the other comments: Coolness factor. If you’re a successfully popular teacher, i.e. “cool”, then your students will likely want to participate in whatever it is you suggest.

    However, if they don’t see you as cool, you might have difficulty, and might even put them off the platform. This is not something that can be fixed easily, and trying to be cool is about as uncool as you can get.

    (Making it mandatory will work, of course, but how you go about that could determine whether they choose to stay on the platform once you’re done. This was kind of covered by OP talking about Matrix in another comment here.)

  • Do you mean the Aether mod that recently got updated or something else?

    Installing mods to Java Minecraft can be a chore regardless of the ecosystem. And usually it’s a third party mod loader that adds a new version to the default launcher config, not something provided by Mojang.

    That said, Aether is a Forge mod and I haven’t used Forge in a few years at this point, so maybe things are different now, or I’m only remembering the way that the rival Fabric ecosystem works instead.

  • Be prepared for the “ephebophile” argument, which, if Wikipedia is to be believed anyway, is actually for ages 15-19, but it won’t stop those who have twisted their minds into a knot to explain this away.

    Or the “if there’s grass on the field, play ball” argument (which is kind of ironic given the popularity of shaving it all off again.) which covers anyone who shows any sign of adolescent hair growth.

    Or “she was asking for it / totally wanted it / shouldn’t have been acting that way / shouldn’t have been dressed like that”.

    Because those are all the soundest of arguments.

    But the unspoken reason will be: “He’s rich and famous and therefore he can do what the hell he wants with no consequences. F–k you.”

  • It was (and may still be) possible to make an older version of Pocket Edition run on Linux through unofficial shenanigans, but the official launcher says “Not playable on this device”. also explicitly says: “Minecraft: Java Edition runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux; Minecraft: Bedrock Edition runs on Windows. Deluxe Collection content only runs on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition on Windows.”

    Other unofficial shenanigans that may or may not work include but are not limited to: Running under a VM, running under something like Wine.

    So, yes, technically it runs, but Microsoft are pretty clear that it’s not supposed to.

  • Coming back to this with thoughts. What you’re describing sounds a lot like a menu tree.

    “Press 1 to do this, 2 to do that, 3 to go to submenu A, 4 for B,” etc. 1

    “You have pressed 1. Do you want to turn on option ABC? [Y / n]” Y

    “Do you want option QWERTY47? [Y/n]” N

    “Are you sure you want to run notthebees --abc --no-qwerty47? [Y/n]” N


    It sounds like a standards problem waiting to happen because no two menus will be alike, but hey, things like this can and do exist, and setting one up isn’t that hard, only time consuming.

  • Win7. I use LMDE+Cinnamon now and I have it looking suspiciously like how I had Win7. Old habits and all that.

    Though you didn’t ask, Win2K was the probably the best Windows, IMO. Then came the bloat and the ugly UIs. (I’ve kind of got used to bloat these days. Storage is cheaper than it was, and LMDE isn’t exactly the slimmest distro.)

    Maybe I would have liked Win10. Similar to how it was with the old Star Trek movies, it seems like every other version of Windows is terrible, and if that remains true, maybe 12 will be better than 11. Probably not going back to find out though.

  • xbiff was usually watching a file - your mailbox - on the mainframe, which would have been updated by the mail server daemon. Heck, it could be set to watch any file to see when it updated.

    Basically, you could still use xbiff if you emulate that setup using your own local mail server as a proxy. (And you’re using a GUI that supports it. No idea if Wayland does.)

  • Worth mentioning that apt generally asks if you want to continue after listing what it’s going to remove so this ought to be safe to do, because you can always say no.

    Caveat: It’s vaguely possible ultra-rare configurations might blast through without asking. If in any doubt, backup or take a Timeshift snapshot, or whatever your system does, before adding or removing software. Overkill? Maybe. It’d only really need to be the first time before you know what your local apt does.

  • The House of Lords serves as a check and balance against a government running amok. Now, they’re not necessarily a good check or balance, but every government needs one. Very occasionally they have been - to be mildly disingenuous - useful idiots. (And occasionally, obstinate asses, but I digress.)

    Ideally though, we could do with a House of … whatever’s below Common, because if the ones in the Commons are commoners, what does that make the rest of us?

    And how would we stop corruption in this lower, lower house?

    But nonetheless, it would be useful for a government to have to take heed of people who are closer to the real world. (And I don’t just mean MPs’ surgeries or correspondence because the repercussions for falling behind on that are slim at best.)