Russia is like a bank robber with a bazooka to your head. Yeah, their home life is shit, but they’re still holding you hostage, and they have a lot less to lose than you do.
Why are you reading this? Go do something worthwhile.
Russia is like a bank robber with a bazooka to your head. Yeah, their home life is shit, but they’re still holding you hostage, and they have a lot less to lose than you do.
Man, this new focus tree is weird. Didn’t realize you could just skip Anschluss with Austria Canada and go straight to annexing Sudetenland Greenland.
This is the answer.
For many people who don’t understand technology, the solution isn’t more technology. Is a password notebook technically less secure? Yes. But it’s much better and more understandable than what she really wants, which is the same username and password for everything.
Plus, a notebook is great way to pass information that’s not just usernames and password. It’s in invaluable resource in case of death. Digital is great, but physical copies are important.
Fingolfin is about to get a fitbit for Christmas with a cryptic note about how it’ll come in handy.
Because it’s self serving.
If Bibi is a war criminal for leveraging an admittedly horrible terrorist attack to commit horrendous atrocities, so is Joe Biden.
What the US did in the 2 decades post 9/11 is no better or worse than what Israel is doing now. Accountability for one means accountability for the other, and Biden doesn’t want to be held accountable.
Nah, the Buddhist leaves the oreo in the milk until they become one.
Yes. Special forces are vetted with lots of testing before joining. However, once they’re done doing things that make many psychologically stable people very unstable, they’re released back into the general population with little to no help or followup.
Maybe if there were a story in a book about people not listening to NOAA and they were destroyed in a massive flood. Maybe, just maybe, that would help them understand.
He needed 2 or 3 years to explore student loans. Maybe this is more complicated, so it will take infinitely longer.
Most standups are bad because they’re not used as a quick collaboration tool, they’re used as a demonstration to prove you’re working, and then the least productive people talk the most because they’re the most desperate to prove they’re working.
And infinitely more watchable.
I don’t they were holding back. Hitler isn’t particularly known for his restraint. It was just more rudimentary technology. There were only around 2000ish planes on either side, and they weren’t committing everything every day. The planes were smaller, the bombs weren’t as destructive, and targeting was pretty basic. They absolutely did tons of damage, but it took months.
Carrying out a similar engagement today would level a city in hours, maybe days.
I have a son that loves ballet. He’s 3 and loves to dance. I could beat him, because ballet is arbitrarily "girly, " or I could encourage him to do things he loves.
I am much more interested in him being a kind, well-rounded person than I am interested in him being someone else’s stereotype of a man.
I kind of still dislike some of the even more nuanced discussion around gender because it’s goal can still be to categorize. More precisely, but still occasionally hurtful. I would love for everyone to be happy as they are, undefined by anyone but themselves. I’ve known people who came through so many awful experiences, and some found comfort in the group acceptance of a new gender definition, but the ones I know who are happiest eventually shrug that off entirely and find full self-acceptance. It’s so hard to do, and not everyone can, but gender acceptance is only a stepping stone in the path to self-acceptance.
Motion is lotion?
Everyone gets arthritic enough to figure it out eventually. Anyone who doesn’t understand is still young enough that getting a decent night’s sleep fixes all aches and pains.
I had a family member once tell me that I have to hate the people that God hates. I don’t think so.
Slightly younger old millennial.
Bacon used to be just about the most expensive meat you could buy.
Bill Clinton tried to kill Osama bin Laden.
Terrorists were angry leprechauns who had been abused by centuries of British oppression.
Russia was kind of cool for a little while.
Words are wind.
It’s traditionally explained with two lemonade stands on a long beach. If their product is generally indistinguishable and both want to maximize their number of customers, they will eventually settle on halfway mark of the beach. One gets all the foot traffic from the left, the other from the right, splitting it 50/50.
The same applies to businesses on a map, not just a one dimensional beach. Most consumers don’t really care if it’s a Home Depot or Lowes, or a BP or Exxon. If one of them discovers a gap in the market and places something there, someone else can come along and grab half the market. It’s something Walmart has done in a lot of small towns. They’ll come in and split market 50/50 with a small, local shop knowing that there’s not enough money to turn a profit with splitting the market in half. But they know they the can run a loss for a year or two, the competition will close, and then they’ll have 100% of the market.
It’s a really topical thing in politics. There are more centrist voters than at either extreme end, so politicians tend to fall more in the middle. Politicians like Trump change the landscape though. While an extreme candidate, the Republican party had already been shifting more right for a while, so he only marginally pulled the voter base right, but pulled most Republican politicians right, or pushed them out. Democrats moved to match. It essentially means that far right Republicans have a short stroll to the nearest lemonade stand, but far left Democrats have to trudge a couple miles in the hot summer sun, and they’re deciding it’s not worth it.
I’ve had some luck explaining it by asking folks why multiple gas stations are at the same intersection, or asking why Lowes and Home Depot are always right next to each other.
You seem to be mentioning right wing grifters a lot in this thread. What exactly do they do that upsets you so badly?