Photography. I got back into it last year and have really enjoyed the process. I’ve learned a lot in a really short time.
Photography. I got back into it last year and have really enjoyed the process. I’ve learned a lot in a really short time.
The opposite of love is not hate, but apathy.
Truly hating something takes passion, energy and time out of your day. It also taught me that for masters of personal interest, if you truly need to end a relationship with someone, you simply stop responding. It’s far more effective than loudly proclaiming what you feel they do wrong. That will take far more away from you than if you cut ties.
Tall horse 🦒
This game was a total distant memory because the title was so crazy generic, it took me forever to find it. It’s called The Robot Club and I’d link you to a wiki page, but there isn’t one. There is an IA page though: https://archive.org/details/the-robot-club
Company schedule entirely written in Google Sheets. When I originally took the position over, the owner wouldn’t settle for an alternative solution.
The previous IT person worked there previously for about 10 years and had been compulsively adding features with AppScript the entire time. It was auto sending emails, handling inventory, maintaining project files, you name it. I briefly looked at how it worked and there were easily a dozen script files, a few of which were thousands of lines.
I was able to replicate most of the important parts of the system that he wanted to replicate in about two weeks in between other work with one script file and something like 50 lines.
I eventually left for reasons unrelated to the place and only ever had to fix issues once every 6 months or so, which I consider pretty decent for an unattended Google Sheet shared by 5 users.
I’ve since returned and rebuilt the schedule a second time with a proper database and the whole thing run 10x smoother and more reliably.
Lately for me it’s been “ks”
I think this speaks for itself
I bounced around to all sorts of systems and DEs and came to this same conclusion. Debian + KDE is where it all ended up after try easily over 20 different systems throughout the years.
It’s the most “we trust you, but also respect your time” combo I’ve found.
somehow never goes off accidentally
Unfortunately not never
Those computers has less memory than a dollar store calculator. The bits in memory were physical magnets woven by hand into a mesh. It’s insane that it left our planet and came back with people alive.
Rosebud for money in the Sims
I played trumpet
but I was a real asshole about itso this feels justified
This is where I am. There are a lot of fancy features that modern graphics cards have that I want to make sure work with all my AAA titles. I have a Linux laptop for near everything that isn’t a game.
I know there’s a lot of people on Lemmy that feel differently, but I am a bit of a bleeding edge graphics whore. I like my raytracing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Okami just had its sequel teased after about 15 20 years. I’m excited to see what they do with it.
edit: 2006 was not 20 years ago! :(
Yeah, I agree. Browsers all seemed to act like they are the only thing running on the computer at some point, practically resembling their own OS with the amount of containerization and complexity. There should definitely be a way for the OS to request some RAM be released from the browser.
The fact that Windows devs seem to not know how to run tasks hidden and in the background always bothers me. I’m sure it’s the fault of Windows itself, but Linux doesn’t open jack until I tell it to. With all the extra helper programs needs in the tray to run all the proprietary hardware, I about lose it with all the shit popping up to yell at me.