It doesn’t work as well spoken, though? Pretty sure Police is pronounced something like po-lee-tseh.
Also, I think you might have swapped a police with Police: “Police police, (whom) Police police police, police Police police.”
It doesn’t work as well spoken, though? Pretty sure Police is pronounced something like po-lee-tseh.
Also, I think you might have swapped a police with Police: “Police police, (whom) Police police police, police Police police.”
Hence, Clojure. It’s not just functions that implement IFn… as the string of “cannot cast to clojure.lang.IFn” errors that I get because I couldn’t be bothered to validate my data’s shape is eager to inform me.
Related: spicy foods. I used to be basically intolerant of it but now hate eating non-spicy versions of foods I’ve grown accustomed to. Spicy peppers and hot chili powder have become a crutch for my otherwise mediocre cooking skills.
something to do with liquid nitrogen? /s
7 is closer to 10 than 6 so we consider that 7 is really just a 10 with a size-3 hole in it and we fill that hole with 3 from the 6 giving a 10 with 3 left over which make 13.
Also not an ADHD thing.
So could we produce a surface tension-free water?
Homie dats a gas. Or supercritical fluid, which actually is indeed used for “washing” (SC CO2 is used to decaffeinate coffee). However, like others said, surface tension /= cleaning ability. Part of what soap does is increase the effective solubility of things that are not normally soluble.
Ich glaube ich erinnere mich dass Duolingo Lektionen über Konjunktiv II (?; wäre, gäbe, usw) hatte… muss vor fast etwa 10 Jahren gewesen sein, bevor alles beschissen wurde. Ich könnte mich auch falsch erinnern… es ist eine große Weile her, seit ich die verfluchtete Eule besucht habe…