But you do choose to believe in aliens and ghosts, despite there being a lot more claimed evidence even in today’s world towards god?
Or do you think that aliens and/or ghosts can be confirmed to a greater extent than a god? What is the difference?
But you do choose to believe in aliens and ghosts, despite there being a lot more claimed evidence even in today’s world towards god?
Or do you think that aliens and/or ghosts can be confirmed to a greater extent than a god? What is the difference?
Okay, so now that the requirements are even further defined, let us continue applying them.
God must be real.
Do you believe in god?
Okay, well let’s apply that newly specified set of requirements.
Earth must be flat for the same reason. There’s even more evidence for it than for aliens, across history, across continents and cultures, and there’s plenty of content regarding it in the modern world too, independent of any specific locale.
Do you believe the world is flat?
Okay, well the US “left” and “right” may not be up to the usual standards, but it quite literally is up and down elsewhere and in premise.
Right. Okay well this has been fun, have a good one.
So you dictate the objective truth in situations where there are but interpretations? Any other interpretations are wrong, with a bold font even, other than yours, which you solely deem correct?
Right. I mean this is exactly what I was just dropping in to signal. And it’s not about who or what is right or correct. It’s the use of leading words… that’s all. Jesus.
Yeah, that’s exactly what it is, as you say: Your interpretation. Can’t offer much more as a third party, and I’m not saying it’s wrong or anything, I was just bringing the fact that it is a subjective interpretation up, since it probably isn’t clear for everyone.
“Long rant about failed leadership” is probably not how everyone would describe it/them, either. And just the use of “rant” there, as opposed to something neutral like “a post” or “writing” or whatever, is an example of what I mean. It’s not wrong and doesn’t imply you are wrong, but it is suggestive. Which, again, is fine, I do not understand why not just let the quick note I dropped be, rather than try and fight it for no reason. If you feel it’s unwarranted, just drop a downvote and it’ll go down in the thread and hidden on some clients, too, if it gets enough of those.
Submitter becoming very angry is not an objective view of it, unless you know for a fact they did become not only angry or frustrated, but very angry. Which would still be very leading because of the use of “very” where not necessary. Lash out on someone/something is also a very leading choice of words, since it has connotations beyond the neutral.
I’m just saying a lot of subjectivity on the words chosen, and that others should be aware.
Edit: Also I don’t believe you exclusively stated facts, but that’s neither here or there, this was about leading and biased tone. Which, again, is entirely valid, but not everyone will pick up on those and take it as it is, colors included.
Isn’t it just to make the code more idiomatic rust side? If there’s breaking api change c side, it’s just a matter of adjusting the interface, it should not involve any grand work, right? The contributor bringing that change over can just ping anyone familiar with the rust interface and that should be the end of it for them, can’t imagine it’d be very involved to fix
Yeah that is a very opinionated description. Up until “the submitter became very angry, lashed out” that sounds about right, but from there on, your bias shows. Which is fine, and human, but probably worth mentioning this to others reading this. It’s not exactly an objective view, whatever that’s worth.
But isn’t this in specific just about bindings?
Oh wow, thank you for the elaboration! Now that you spelled it out like that, I have to admit I have very similar thoughts, albeit in different circumstances, so I can’t really say I don’t see where you are coming from.
In fact, you’ve broadened my horizons, even if just a bit, and I thank you for the perspective.
I can’t say I totally understand the circumstances you live under, but I think I understand enough to know some of how that feels. And I’ve expressed the very same thoughts multiple times, even here on lemmy, so that was a little bit hypocritical of me. Sorry
Fair points. I lacked in perspective but you brought me some, so I thank you 😌
I always wonder about that. It seems like a non-issue to me. You’re just paying it, same as always, and the other can contribute when or if they can, what they can. Running costs that do increase with two people, like electricity or water, should be easy to just split some way, since the other’s no longer paying for their rent and utilities.
But why does it have to be some set sum or percentage or whatever? Why does it have to be static in the first place? Why not just let them contribute what they can, when they can, since the money’s not tight?
But of course the real correct answer will always be different for each relationship. And only revealed by talking and assuming each feel comfortable being honest and vocal about their thoughts and neither gets steamrolled or gets left with reservations or doubts about the outcome.
While your frustration is shared, and understandable, let’s not start throwing death around like it’s some little thing
Definitely not. The orange man and the US in general is equal in my eyes to Russia. A bad, backwards place I would fight if it tried to thrust its diseased member into my current life and surroundings.
Instead, I’d give a lot for what I have now: The relative safety and social progress, as well as the socialist elements such as our guaranteed welfare for everyone without gotchas or requirements, the general atmosphere of acceptance towards sexual and gender minorities etc.
A lot of reasons to “throw my life away”. The life wouldn’t be worth much if I couldn’t be myself, if I couldn’t survive and thrive even when unable to work or function. So I’d rather go fighting for those as opposed to bending over to get fucked either way.
This is actually one of the most mentally damaging parts of my youth, but before Facebook or 9gag or whatever meme-sharing places were prominent, back way when, there was a portal in similar vein but in our language and as such, not international, so the damage wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, in a sense, but I doubt it’d have been a meme if the entirety of the world’s memes were fighting for the same spots in the feeds or whatever.
Anyway, took me a long time to identify this as a source of some quirks I had, but I’m fine with it nowadays so here you go:
I went to a music college and was an aspiring musician. Before college, we had a local band that we were able to gig with and it was fun for a time. Then I left for college, which was 600km away, so that couldn’t continue.
In search of a new band, I initially made the mistake of just posting an ad in a big musician forum (back when we had really busy forums as opposed to centralized social medias 🥴) looking for opportunities. I was, and still am, a metal singer, though back then I could only really growl and scream.
Well, as it turns out, I had undiagnosed and thus unmedicated/unmanaged adhd, so I went a bit overboard and probably went too in length with it. Classic oversharing.
I still, to this day, can’t really tell you what was so funny about it, but a screencap of that ad circulated in the meme site we had back then, garnering over 10k reactions (I think they were different kind of emoticons there, and this was before standardized emojis, but anyways, some sort of explicit input), being in the top10 of memes for a week or so I think…
Luckily the image I attached was from stage and I had my long hair cover my face, so I didn’t really see it in my everyday life, but Jesus was that humiliating to the 16 or so year old me. And I was just getting into the college stuff like parties and all that.
Later, years after, my roommate told me they did it, the fucking rat 😂
Anyway, I guess the funny part was the growling teen acting as if they were already a professional in the ad and writing an essay for the ad. I wish I had it saved somewhere, or someone did, but no luck there. Haven’t seen it in over a decade, nearly two, so I bet I’d know what was wrong with it if I had the chance now, but alas, no such luck.
But that did put me off from a few band interviews for lead singer position and postponed my progress in that regard a lot. We did go on to record albums later with several bands, but I always was very inhibited sort of, really scared to get myself out there, so I always pushed back on any ad campaigns or promo pushes or whatever and we never did break big with any of them.
I’m fine now and worked through those problems in therapy as an adult, but, well, that’s my story.
For a second, I was a local meme, luckily not recognizable from it for anyone other than those who knew me.
I’m so glad we didn’t have social media back then, at least not in the same form as today 😬
Personally I’d go if they just let me. I’m a reserve sergeant with strong will to actually do something, knowing full well I will perish there, and cry for mommy in a ditch, or something else entirely, as of yet unimaginable to me.
Defense is something I accept and will always help with if I just can, if the cause is right. Other kinds of war or violence? I’d rather go to jail than participate. In defense of gender minorities, people with mental health issues struggling as it is, when we now have great support networks and financial help guaranteeing housing, food, electricity, everything necessary, I would face the horrifying prospect of unimaginable pain and fear, desperation, so that those that do not wish to, or can’t, do not have to.
I have strength and vitality some do not have. And if the only thing standing between the peaceful, at least good enough life they (we!) now have, is the sacrifice of those just selfless enough to face horrors, I’d feel bad letting them do it without me, if and when I am capable to help.
But this is only as long as the thing we’d defend is worth defending. Our current state definitely is. I’m openly pan-sexual enby, and nobody looks at me twice. I get to work, study, participate in society just like most everyone do. If that is in danger, I won’t sit down and wait for them to come for me and my kin.
But I also don’t think anyone else should be forced to do that, unless they really do want to and understand the horrors of what it will be.
I have the benefit of military training and familiarity with guns and warfare in general (in theoretical level, though, which is still better than nothing), so I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I didn’t put those to use in defense of my fellow minorities often persecuted elsewhere.
And there will be a big bunch of people that swallowed all that troll farm shit whole and is now out there, parroting the same shit and inventing their own new shit, completely willfully, without compensation. We see this with the US and MAGA. Some people just… I don’t even know what words to use here. Some people just have such hate and bitterness inside them, and are gullible enough to go with some absolute bonkers shite and run with it.
Fair enough. I’m not going to, nor do I want to, dissuade you from continuing your search and believing what you believe, just wanted to get a better understanding on how you reason about these things. And initially I had hoped also to spark some questions and maybe second thoughts on your part.
For the record, I’m not entirely following your chain of thought here, and I do not believe as you believe, nor do I really see the the distinction you posed just now, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong and it turns out you’re right.