Is England living in a different century from the rest of us? Some kind of time warp to the 1800s going on over there or something?
Is England living in a different century from the rest of us? Some kind of time warp to the 1800s going on over there or something?
The rest of NATO needs to call Trump’s bluff and just start acting without the US. Hold a vote to induct Ukraine into NATO without giving the US a chance to vote on it and then deploy NATO troops into Ukraine. Russia has already been claiming that there are NATO troops there for a while now, should show him what an actual NATO defense looks like instead of a bunch of desperate Ukrainians with hand me down surplus weaponry.
Are they considering Musk as US? If so I’ll kindly remind Germany he’s South African, he’s meddling in US politics as well, and we don’t want him either.
It’s very worrying how many countries around the world have far right fascist parties either in charge or making major waves like MAGA and AfD. The Australian government has been headed down that path for a while, and the UK isn’t too far behind them. If I recall I think there was also a far right party in France that was up to something as well recently.
Sure, but the overwhelming majority of people on here voted for Harris even if they really didn’t want to and continuing to bitch and moan about everyone that didn’t, the overwhelming majority of which aren’t even on Lemmy isn’t doing anything useful.
There seems to be this group on here that’s very black and white. During the election you weren’t allowed to say anything negative about Harris or complain about first Biden and then Harris supporting Israel or you were called a Trump supporter. Nothing short of declaring her the most perfect candidate ever satisfied them. It was fucking stupid of her to endorse Biden’s already losing platform including his support of Israel and that cost her the election. Saying it was going to cost her the election shouldn’t have been a controversial thing but to some on here it was.
It was already exhausting when it was going on during the election and it’s even more exhausting now. Harris literally doesn’t matter anymore. Whether she would have been better for Gaza or not is an entirely academic question at this point unless you’ve got a time machine (and if you do go back and convince George Washington that first past the post voting is an idiotic idea).
I just want to see discussion about what can be done to oppose Trump and help in some way Palestine, but instead it’s a non-stop parade of comments about how anyone who complained about Harris supporting Israel is terrible and this is all their fault.
As for your analogy, it’s more like the choice was between the crotch kicking factory and the anal raped without lube factory and a bunch of people complained that if they insist on being the crotch kicking factory nobody is going to want to go there. So 3 people voted for the crotch kicking factory, 4 voted for anal rape, 2 voted for the zoo, and 3 people stayed home. Then everyone who voted for the crotch kicking factory got angry and said it’s the fault of the people who voted for the zoo that anal rape won.
I’m just as frustrated that Trump won, but what I’m not is surprised. Disappointed absolutely, but not surprised. The Democrats have been failing this country for decades. People are only going to keep voting for the lesser evil that sees things getting slightly worse election after election for so long before they start thinking there’s no point.
If you really want to apportion blame for this mess the most to blame is first Trump, then the GOP, then Trump voters, then the DNC, then Harris, then 3rd party and non-voters. The DNC needed to realize decades ago that it doesn’t matter how many big corporate cheques they cash when the policies they’re adopting are turning away voters that they desperately need. Harris should have looked at the train wreck of Biden’s campaign and realized she needed to do something different. Third party voters needed to understand that with first past the post you don’t get to vote for the candidate you want, you have to vote against the candidate you don’t want.
I mean this with all sincerity: fuck off.
Same to you you annoying whiny git.
That doesn’t keep me from having the ability, nor seeing the need for, needling people who thought that this would be better for Gaza than what Harris wanted.
Except you’re not doing that, you’re just being annoying and pissing off people that fucking voted for Harris for no god damn reason. The election is over, Harris lost, and now we need to deal with fucking Cheeto Mussolini and instead of doing something useful you’re spending every opportunity to bitch and moan about how everyone is getting what they deserve now. At this point I’m just going to stop reading the comments of any post about Palestine because the comment sections are all just cesspools of people wanking off about how right they were this entire time.
Harris never should have backed Israel and it along with all the other idiotic policies she pushed cost her the election just like everyone said it would. People were begging her to run on better policies and instead her campaign was “vote for me or else” which failed to convince enough people. It sucks and now we’re all suffering because of it, but as much as it’s the fault of the people that didn’t vote for her it’s even more her and the DNC’s fault for running a crap campaign. It is literally a politician’s job to convince people to vote for them, and Harris failed at her job.
Well, for point 2, they were kind of right. It’s mostly a self fulfilling prophecy, but when a sizable chunk of your voting block says “take this position if you want my vote” and then you take the opposite position it really shouldn’t come as a surprise if you subsequently lose the election. That 100% was on Harris.
Whether Harris would have been better than Trump (for Gaza) is perhaps a more interesting question. Ultimately Israel is going to be using their own troops for this not US troops because US troops aren’t going to go along with gunning down unarmed civilians in mass the way the Israeli troops will. Whether it’s Trump or Harris that wasn’t going to change. The biggest difference is just one of political posturing. Harris would have made disapproving statements and basically said “we’re very disappointed in Israel” while still sending the exact same weapons and funds Trump is sending. Maybe Israel would have played things more low key, maybe not, we’ll never know now. So point 1 is kind of a wash.
Point 3 is really a more abstract moral question I suppose. At what point does something cross over into “supporting genocide”. Does sending money to the Israeli government count? What about doing business with companies that do so? What about having the power to do something about it and instead choosing to do nothing? I think we can all agree that Trump absolutely supports genocide. The argument for if Harris did is far less concrete, and for people who voted for Harris (or I guess Trump for that matter) more nebulous still.
The real problem ultimately though is that none of this existed in a vacuum. If this was literally a referendum on how the US should respond to Israel that would be one thing, but that was such a tiny slice of a much bigger discussion. The biggest and most concerning of which was Trump essentially admitting that he was planning on staging a coup of the US government which meant no matter how the Gaza situation was going to play our Trump absolutely could not be let anywhere near the office of the president.
The election is over though, Harris lost because she ran a shit campaign on proven losing policy. People need to get over that and focus on actually dealing with the shit sandwich we’ve collectively been handed instead of continuing to point fingers and argue about whose fault it was.
The issue is that it’s practically the only thing being commented in any post related to Palestine and it’s drowning out all the useful discussion that needs to be taking place. Pick any post about Palestine and look at the comments and the overwhelming majority of them are some variation on “boy, I bet all those people who refused to vote for Harris are so happy now”, which is about as useful a comment as all the idiots that used to rush to post “First” on articles back in the day.
These “told you so” comments are so pervasive it’s starting to feel vaguely like astroturfing. A bunch of comments encouraging non-Republican voters to fight amongst themselves and drowning out any possible productive discussion or organization sure sounds like it would be a brilliant move by the fascist supporters. I’m not suggesting everyone making those comments is astroturfing or a troll, but the absolute way that’s blanketing all discussion around Palestine sure does make me wonder if some of them are.
But yeah, people are going to remind you that the alternative is worse, so that hopefully we can avoid this if there ever is a next time.
The thing is though that I don’t think anyone doesn’t already know that. The people who legitimately didn’t vote for Harris in the general election won’t care because they’ll say “I didn’t vote for Trump either, so it’s not my fault” and no amount of everyone telling them it is or explaining the reality of our terrible first past the post system is going to change that. You’re basically preaching to the choir here and it’s frankly nothing but a distraction from addressing the real and pressing issue of the white nationalist fascists literally seizing power right now. The thousandth “told ya so” post isn’t doing anything more than the last 990 did besides stroking your own ego.
Frankly I’m getting sick and tired of every story about Gaza being filled with smug comments blaming everything on liberal Lemmy members. Biden was a shit candidate who was losing badly before Gaza ever happened. Harris was a golden opportunity to pivot the Biden campaign into something that stood a chance of winning and instead Harris ran on a campaign of “I’m exactly like Biden but a little younger” which is the most gobsmackingly stupid decision of a political campaign in at least a couple decades.
Harris didn’t lose because of Palestine. I mean it didn’t fucking help, but there were plenty of other reasons she lost. So can we please stop with all the annoying smug “are you happy with what you did?” comments? It’s getting really fucking old.
Now for what I actually wanted to say.
Besides billionaires and straight, white, conservative, “Christian” men, I honestly don’t know who benefits from a Trump/Musk presidency as compared to a Harris/Walz presidency.
Only billionaires are benefiting. Straight, white, conservative, Christian or even men, none of those groups in any combination is benefiting. They may not be getting shafted as hard as others are, but only billionaires are going to see anything even remotely positive out of this.
Warrant will be issued and promptly ignored. Dear Leaders family is immune from prosecution unless the donvict decides they’ve been disloyal to him.
Trump speaks biggly and carries a soft stick.
Trump thinks tariffs are some great threat and yeah they cut into US imports but countries will just export to other countries instead. Meanwhile the US implodes from lack of goods since nobody can afford to pay the tariffs. The only thing Trump is going to achieve is accelerating this coming recession into a full blown depression.
Only a very small minority will be rich enough to benefit from advanced medical care. The overwhelming majority will actually have shorter lifespans due to the gutting and subsequent collapse of the healthcare system in the US. The hospitals are going to be overrun with communicable diseases due to the influx of unvaccinated children and those who aren’t receiving preventative care due to skyrocketing medical costs. That combined with the gutting of social security and Medicaid/Medicare will insure that most Boomers if they don’t die in the next couple years will be bankrupt and struggling to afford basic necessities.
Boomers are the core, but they’ve gotten some reinforcements from Gen X and Millenials. The good news if there is any is that not enough of Gen X and Millenials are MAGAts to carry an election without the Boomers, so in another couple decades if a bunch of Gen Alpha doesn’t turn real stupid we might have a chance.
The thing is, it was a close one that first time around. Prior to Pearl Harbor there was a small but strong pro-Nazi movement in the US. That’s part of why the US was being moderately hands off during the start of WW2. Sure the US was shipping supplies to the UK, but in the grand scheme of things that wasn’t much.
Japan really fucked up by attacking the US as there’s a pretty strong argument to be made that that one action determined the outcome of WW2. There’s an alternate history out there where Pearl Harbor didn’t happen and the US either never took part in WW2 or else entered far too late to make a difference and the Axis powers ultimately won.
Turns out the pro-Nazi faction in the US never really went anywhere, they just got quiet for nearly a century. Lets hope we can shut them up this time again.
See the problem is they’re not trying to prevent the dystopian future, they still want that, they’re just trying to figure out how to manage the inevitable disasters it causes.
I have one (the biggest one, about 15 pounds and not much of it from fat) that insists on sleeping on my ankles. I really wish I could convince him not to.
One of them does, but she’s also a sphynx so kind of a special case.
Trump made a Truth Social post saying the US should look into buying Greenland. Like essentially everything Trump says it’s utter bullshit and not something that could actually happen, and certainly not something Trump of all people could make happen. This is just Denmark subtly giving the finger to Trump which means the effort is wasted as anything more subtle than a baseball bat to the face won’t register with Trump.
Everyone with an IQ over room temperature knew leaving the EU was a losing move for everyone but the oligarchs looking to snap up businesses for cheap. They’re intentionally driving the UK economy into the ground so they can snap everything up in a fire sale knowing that their wealth is safely protected in foreign investments. They’re trying the same playbook over in the US now. Trump will tank the US economy (not to mention gut the anti-monopoly regulations) and then the megacorps will start gobbling.
Has Brexit cost them anything politically? Or is it still the exact same bullshit as before Brexit happened? Sure seems like nothing has changed.
That commissioner wouldn’t happen to be a member of AfD would he?
Also for his analogy to make sense the plan would have to include handing Gaza back to the Palestinians after it was rebuilt, not giving it to a bunch of Jewish settlers and rich foreigners.