The site is getpaint.net btw
The site is getpaint.net btw
How is having a larger workforce that can support more free healthcare not sustainable? Do you think migrants don’t work or anything?
Georgia, US, would never make a comment like that, insest is legal there if you marry first and porn search history indicates it’s widely accepted!
I mean I hate it when my pickle slips out as a woman…
They could be at work or on the school network.
I was raised in a Christian household, and I was told that when I turned 12 I could be baptized. I looked forward to, and on the summer I was 10, I decided I wanted to be ready. I sat down and read the bible, front to back. I got to the end, and I paused: this was nothing like what they were telling me! I decided to read it again through, certainly I missed something? At the end, I decided to work through again, one more time, and then I was no longer Christian, at least not like these other ones. Now I’m not at all, but I love being able to source the bible more accurately than my Christian family members.
20th century East India Company.
That is not the concern. The concern is that their free speech has indicated they support cops, which means they’re more likely to be compliant. No one is talking about this speech here, but the content of it.
Also you aren’t.